Los Diablos Chronicles: Eternal Digital Cabaret Chapter 1

#10 of coming at you hard and fast: chronicles of los diablos by the latter half of the 21st century, the world had evolved, and everything was completely online. especially entertainment, and doubly especially of the adult variety.

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Filibuster Issue #1 Rebel Son

At penn's landing senator kennedy is attending a medal ceremony for justine hammer, the blond bombshell for the 21st century, as well as her induction into the all-american alliance of avenging angels, affectionately shortened in the media to the 5 a club,

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Only Human (Chapter 9)

"a lot of the big names from the 21st century were out of business before the war." tiera said. "most computer and software companies went under in the early 22nd century, when ion tech dominated the entire computing industry.

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Wild Rose Country - Chapter 2

This was the beginning of the 21st century! how could anybody survive without a microwave? the longer i sat there and thought, the more i realized that not only was my situation a little too strange for my liking, but i was freezing my ass off as well.

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La Renaissance des Bêtes

Like bangkok, pattaya was one of a number of emerging bodyphase havens in thailand at the end of the 21st century.

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Premature Ejaculations

"it's the 21st century, it's okay to embrace your alternative sexual identity and all that crap. you all gay or just bi or simply cock curious? because i don't like my brother screwing around with a married dude or anything like that."

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 14

The books on the shelves weren't ancient tomes, they were ormand's collection of 21st-century graphic novels. people tended to do a double-take when they noticed this. me, i adored the anachronism.

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Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 10

Some had a santa fe style, some victorian, many were post modern and 21st century designed. hir mind was occupied elsewhere when a familiar voice rang out behind the chakat. "ah, wanderer! there you are!

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A Short Walk to the Past

The shared joke with those two is that they dragged the founders, kicking and screaming, the rest of the way into the 21st century." "no 'founders pride' to fight back against that one?"

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The Lore of Peccatum

When humans began their renaissance, peccatum's technological level far surpassed even 21st century earth. many of the other social problems had also been solved, such as hunger, poverty, and even slothfulness to an extent.

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This was the late 21st century, after all, and people were supposed to be beyond this kind of thing. of course, nobody actually was, but everyone at least pretended to be, aspired to be.

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