Vixens Will Be Vixens
Amber sat at the edge of Caitlyn's bed and watched her rummage through her backpack. Their study session for the last semester of their freshman year had involved more snacking and slacking than studying, which neither of the foxes was complaining...
The Thin Line Between Love and Death
Raykin lay sullenly in the den clearing, thoroughly shaken by the latest turn of events. Overcome with lust, he'd forsaken his better judgment and allowed the kits to nurse him again. His mate, Kysp, had twisted something pleasurable into a...
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Three
The next morning, Timothy stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Something felt strange though. His training pants felt like they were soaked. As he turned over, he suddenly realized what had happened. "Oh no!" he squeaked with dismay. "Friendly!" "Huh?...
Spring Break Chapter 6
Her partner said "let me get your details for our report." said a rather buff red fox, taking out his notebook and recording his statement. "do you think he was on some kinda drugs?" paul asked. "probably.
The Prince and the , Part X
Lance and Kahn made their way down the cobblestone street on their way back to the ship. They had enjoyed a little bit of fooling around and took a short nap before deciding that they had been away long enough. Lance didn't want anyone to start...
How It All Fell Apart
(Gary's Point of View) The manager got up here roughly an hour after the cleaning worker left, and I told the other ten of the possibility that a twelfth anthro came through in time with us. When I mentioned the unknown passenger, Timler became...
Fury of the Wind
(Fluhr's Point of View) I woke up in the morning with a serious crick in my neck. I tried to ignore it as I sat up and stretched. Something felt off. Way off. That's when I realized. Where's Julio? "Julio?!" I called out. I heard no response....
That'll Be The Day
This figure, a male, was a red fox that stood a few inches taller than carrick. much to be expected, his body was thicker and bulkier than amy's, but wasn't so much bigger as to be considered anything too impressive in the field of physical fitness.
Innocence Lost Part 1
Two young red fox girls are out on a play date when an arctic fox offers them some delicious cookies. just the thing he knew would attract them to him.
Gift for a Pet
Strip out of your clothing and sit down on the bed." the red fox spoke out as he slowly stood up from where he had been seated. silver's reaction was immediate, his ears slowly drooping down in sadness and worry.
The Prince and the Pirate, Part VII
James Hess, or more commonly known as Johnathan Black, tapped a claw on the wooden railing of his ship as he impatiently watched Cutlass Conway's ship lead them closer and closer to the ships bearing Blackbeard's colors. William stood next to him,...