Unexpected Massage

You've lost track of how long you have been inside the lapras. The overwhelming heat and the flowing steam within the broad belly are soothing, as is the bass humming of the larger male. True to his word, it never grows hot enough to cause discomfort,...

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Hero Practice - [Preview]

The forward display showed 'hero' and 'villain' with Pyctoral and Parabolt entered respectively. The capybara scrunched his muzzle to one side, shifting his stance to be a bit more forward. "Does the simulation really need 'sides' for sparring?" ...

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A Reason They're Called 'Washbears'

It was well past midnight, and Freddy and Reggie were still standing out on the street. The party they'd left together was long over, but they didn't feel saying goodnight, not yet. Freddy was wearing his letterman jacket, wing-hands tucked into...

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Getting a Scents for Each Other

Saki mopped his brow with the back of his hand. The fox hybrid looked over his room. It took him a week, but he was on the last box to unpack. Maybe now he'd have the energy to look for a job better than just a few cursory searches and annoying...

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Mistakes and Miscalculations

Titanium was astride her motorcycle, rolling through the streets of New Rhodia under the light of the almost blue-white halogen streetlamps. The otter's powers meant that she didn't bother with protective gear in favor of her comfortable lycra...

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Dook in Ying's Clothing

Static finished all the work he had slated for the day. The glossy purple and black ferret exhaled and checked his email again... nothing new coming in and everything else was waiting on someone else. He stood away from his home office and stretched...

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Body Sushi

Leo looked over the menu. The twenty-five foot tall plessie was seated on a stool that accommodated for his size, at a restaurant designed for customers even larger than him to dine comfortably. It was a sushi restaurant, and the yellow and white dino...

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Cuddling in Bed

Wes rumbled low in his chest. The fox's four limbs were wrapped around a smaller white-furred form. The slender rat was securely held in place, unable to move away even if he wanted to. The vulpine's long, fluffy tail hid most signs of the smaller...

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Wrestler's Reward

Cody let out a ferocious dook as he pounced. Landing upon his quarry he wrapped it up in his arms and legs, grinning brightly. "A-ha!" Kobalt perked up upon hearing this, but more importantly, feeling something on his tail. Twisting his head to...

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A Grand Release

Jack surfaced from sleep, the large otter's eyes staying shut for a few moments. He held onto the fleeting feelings of his dream, surrounded by all of his boys, tenderly tending to as many as he could with each part of his body as they writhed in...

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Daddy's Little Spoon

Jack stretched out beneath his sheets, feeling his bare fur against the smooth fabric. The middle-aged otter turned his head towards the door, pensively pursing his lips to one side for a moment. "Timber, are you coming to bed?" His baritone carried...

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The Other Way to Take the Knot

Marcus grasped the husky's round hip firmly in his glossy hand. The latex longhorn huffed through his nostrils as he ground his shaft between the plump cheeks of the pup beneath him. The black and white femboy whined, his curled tail swishing...

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