Chapter 2 Sweet and Juicy
._ she looked at the nun with a crestfallen face. "eat your grain, no complainin'," the nun said at once and held the bowl near daphne's mouth. daphne held back her protests and dipped her mouth in the bowl.
New Viewpoints
The twins had come out as i was saying this and they looked crestfallen, i look over to them knowing that it was their hunter genes that made them upset. "the problem you two have is you don't take anything seriously, you remind me of my brother.
A Bitch In Her Bowels
Tracy was crestfallen, bethany was going to steal her clothes, forcing her to walk nude across the grounds in order to get help, let alone get home. "look, bethany..." tracy pleaded, "i'm really sorry about monday.
spikes egg-celent day
Spike rushes off to say goodbye to rarity first and every pony he meets along the way, rarity wants to know why he is leaving but when she shes spikes crestfallen look she doesn't press for details, she leans over and gives spike a big kiss on his snout and
The Lucky Kat
crestfallen and embarrassed, lucky stood up and ran out holding his tail as he would when distressed. ms. cerva sighed as he left. "such wasted potential..." ... lucky shed a tear as he returned to his dorm. he saw the ribbon on the door knob.
Academy Affairs Ch.3: Secret
Clara looked crestfallen, and quickly reassuring her coach went on, "so do mark and flare though, stick with them and i'm sure you'll make a great team someday." clara seemed to cheer up at this and turned to survey her work again.
The Predators of Rome: Chapter Two
Ilya, crestfallen, answered his father's question. it broke his heart to see his old man take the response as he did every time he woke up.
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 10
Don't worry, though," he added, seeing mark's crestfallen expression. "my dad will take care of everything." "dennis fradin," the otter introduced himself, shaking mr. heeley's paw. "pleased to meet you, sir." "likewise, i'm sure.
Jack's Tavern II
Devon asked, crestfallen. "dude," joesef sighed, "you're acting really weird, so just call me when you're feeling normal again, okay?" "no, man, please. i just have to tell you this." the dragon pleaded, "please, just this once."
The Beastridden part 4
The brown wolf looked back to the crestfallen otter, and knuckle's heart sank when he saw jonas's face. feeling like he had to explain his intentions more clearly, he took a knee. "that don't mean ah don't want ya around.
Erik seemed crestfallen. his near-manic green-tinted eyes fell downwards. "samson..." "no, erik. it means a lot to you. but wouldn't it be better to find someone more suited for this?" "how would i advertise it?" "i don't know.
A Birthday for Mike
His pleasant, casual smile dropped and he was left crestfallen as he opened his wallet and realized he was short almost $10 dollars. he scampered quickly into the bedroom.