Battlezone 2065

Warren almost ready to return to base, he had fired his last hornet missile and had used half his mortars and sp-stabber rounds.

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Remember Me 10 - Beyond Dreams of Crimson Flame

Cried a hornet. "c-come on everyone huddle up!" "ryouma come on!"

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 03

If he poked at this hornet's nest it wouldn't take long for them to notice. hell, cooper's desk was next to flint's. it wouldn't take much for her to notice something.

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Nigrido: The Crucible (Chapter 2)

Her back ached like a nest full of angry hornets, and tears sprang to her eyes unbidden as she remembered the intense whipping she had endured the day before. "ah, up i see?" anroko's voice was as mockingly mirthful and faux-sweet as ever before.

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Isolation-Excerpt 36-The Devil's Face

"hold still you little prick", i growled as i raised a fist full of hornets. "check mate", martin said punching me dead in the face. the shock, blinding flash and burning pain forced me to let him go.

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The Long Winter: Part 2

Basically just zombies wandering that would drag along more zombies, bumping into more that would follow them till it was a moving hornets nest of death. 


terrorist war [commision for Karoo]

He looked at him through his red visor and answered "it appears we are caught in a hornets nest..." his name was evan youngs wolffang, a proud father, vigilante, and a s.w.a.t officer.

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Red Rooms

Julius was lost in wonder as to how someone could be reported missing, but, not have their last known sighting be anything else but a place for a hornets nest on angry hour. julius shuttered as to what would've happened if he'd pushed.

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The Glowing Chapter 5

A hornet-like stinger swings in from over the monsters head stabbing austin in the arm, austin blacks out again.

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Chapter IV, Blades of the Hatusa

Aside from the hatusa's poison he had left his dear brother a hornets nest of warlords and enemies.

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1. Check Mate

The carrier ss lumos disgorged her entire complement of viper fighter craft, which began swarming around their mother craft like a pack of angry hornets. the hunter carrier did the same.

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Der letzte Krieg der Menschheit

15 sekunden später kamen 6 unserer hornets auf uns zu und feuerten wärmesuchraketen und 300millimeter geschütze auf die banshees ab, der kampf dauerte eine minute und alle banshees waren zerstört.

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