A (Fe)male Dragon's woes first 4 chapters

User=508610&character=0&clevel=2) nulkurrak](https://nulkurrak.sofurry.com/ "nulkurrak") courtesy of my patrons over at** [**patreon**](https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs) so if you want to help this project reach the finish line in style and read the next

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Equine Desperation (October 2019 Quickie)

Art - styxandstoned writing/oceras - runa commissioner/doravar - nulkurrak in this story, a pent-up loner of a dragon joins the gang run by therris, ithilwen, and dustafyer to escort a caravan of goods from rhybute pass to val'verrex.

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Pampered Ashore

Art - baile writing/chiryn - runa lysandra - nulkurrak this story is a preamble/side story to the "gem of the ijimulian" story, wherein the royal caretaker chiryn finds a hippogryph in need of purpose and release! so they help out!

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