Arcadia: Pressured
savage and his team would be heading through to camp draco shortly after. thinking of savage's team made him think of finn. a bit of regret filled him as he recalled how they had parted the previous night.
Wiroch: Genesis
Long considered useless lands full of nothing but volcanoes and it's savage reptilian peoples. killing all furs daring to cross into the lands. guardians of the lowlands, they had called themselves.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 60: Ira
Back, his body burning with pleasure as his muscles flexed and bulged with power as he bore down into her with his full, savage strength, ravaging her body mercilessly.
Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part II Chapter III
From his best estimate the fox savages had roughly three thousand, armed with lead based semi-automatic weapons mostly.
Lykan Invasion Christmas Special
He instantly pushed savage to the ground, running his tongue up that thick, muscular forearm, following the many crossing veins up over that plump, round bicep and finally burying his muzzle deep into his lover's armpit where he took in all of savage's scent
Losing Control - Part Two
His hot breath washed across her face, and he bared his teeth in a savage grin.
.** **act xvii: white bishop** **act xviii: honor and duty** **act xix: howling commandos** **act xx: savage connections** **act xxi: forest lords and witches covens** **act xxii: we three kings of glory and fire** **act xxiii: were-sin city;
Journal of a Bear
More than 5 years ago, barry bearington still has nightmares of his savage self. these are snippets of the journal he decided to write to help him to cope with his traumas. the evening was already turning into the night as i arrived home from my shift.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 4
One by one they pounced on the creature, savagely ripping it apart with claw and fang. the creature screamed in agony while it's sad life was brought to a savage end.
Tales of the Demon Fox Rayne and the Lawyer
One slender black paw grasping cheetem's tail pulling it up savagely. as the other hefted the bull's massive melon sized ball's! small but amazingly powerful fingers grasp the sac's neck, pulling the big ball's up.
The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Ch:1
"it's time you see what a true "savage" is dawn." her doppelganger said, looking at her with disgust.
The House on Rainbow Road - 19 - Michelle
The creature bellowed, creating a savage kind of heat which seeped into michelle's muscles. she felt rooted in place as her limbs swelled with strength. a dozen terrible desires began to claw through her as the monster stepped toward her friend.