Last Stand of the First Hell Jumpers Company of the Dire Wolves
turrets that were manned by gunners fell silent as they too were evacuated, leaving only the automated calliope turrets with their twin lrm launchers and lasers online.
Mechwarrior: Wolfin Arrival, Chapter 3
"outer defensive turrets are now down, all pilots prepare for assault." came over the speaker in the simulator bay, making the she-wolf look up and nod at the camera.
Ein Wolf in der Falz - For King and Country
Two more angry steel birds buzzed over head, and konrad half dropped, half fell down into the turret, almost crushing oskar underneath him.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 15: The darkest hour of Kesteven – A new threat
On top of the armor of the shoulder there were also two nasty looking turrets with a blinking red laser sensor... and each turret was clearly a multiple grenade launcher with tens of weapons ready to be fired all around.
Defense of Home
A couple of anti-vehicle turret left...only a handful of medical kits left...and a low amount of ammo left for his rifle, but all the ammo in the world to burn through for his sidearm.
Goodbye. Or Is It? Pt. 2 Ch. 1
The vehicle would then enter a narrow area lined with 10 anti infantry and anti vehicle turrets five on each side and alternating the different turrets.
The Great War - Part One
He slips down into the turret and brings up his optics, zooming in. "hostile spotted." he sends over the net. "identity unknown, looks to be coming right at us." he says. he looks closely.
Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Five
The rounds continued up the vehicle, spiderwebbing the windshield, peeling off some of the roof armor and mangling the turret as the rotor overflew them.
Chapter 1
Rex said calmly over the comm as he moved out into the large passageway, his turret staying silent for the moment.
Guardians: Downfall Chapter 1
Several hundred nukes, approximately twenty thousand archer torpedoes, and an entire deck dedicated towards the laser turret defense grid. a new system that allowed several hundred small turrets on her hull to fire beams of plasma at their targets.
Retired Hardware (Otherwise Untitled)
Once perched atop its turret, he laid down fire into those raiders who'd sought its cover, before sinking anti-personnel plasma into the top of the drop-tank's armor for the seconds it took to breach the upper plates.
Children of Earth - Part 2
Her fire overwhelms its shields and melts the guns as they start firing again, the magic backblasting and blowing the turret clean off the vehicle. cynder looks at spyro. he was on the ground, bleeding, elves all around him.