Teaching by Example

Pete tries to hide but it was later proven useless because it can detect him by scent and his outstretched neck spotted him simply by looking over it. pete comes out and looks more into the creature and he really is a towering hulk.

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Primary Characters

Being seen as useless at hunting, and therefore useless as a person, due to her defect, her tribe threw her out into the snow to die.

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The Secret War- Part One

Thing is useless." "why give to me?" zahel said while studying the device. "though useless for what we want it to do, we can still use it to communicate while we are here, in the city. i see you've been here for a little while. you have adapted well.

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Inari, Chapter 3: A New Villian

I find them useless, and it helps me make myself stronger. if i can better my powers, reap gain, and help rid this land of the pestilence known as"-- her voice turned into a mocking tone--"the oh-so pitiful poor... well...

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Dreamhunter's Quest Chapter 1 [A Warrior Cats Fan Series]

Larkkit looked disappointed, "i just... don't like feeling so useless... and thunderclan has no right to invade us!

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Neopian Takeover

The eyrie, named kelvrin said, forgetting his wings are useless until a spell is lifted. "get some rest then.

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Lion and the Lab: Part 3

The lioness gasped in surprise, balled hands flying to her crotch but only rubbing uselessly against it. then the movement stopped and she let out a confused sigh, a sigh that turned into a squeal.

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"Technically," chirped the otter

We otters would be useless in your meadow, and you bunnies are useless in the water. no offense." "none taken," said the bunny politely. "why are there not more bunnies on that side?" he pointed a paw at the island.

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The End

You deserve to feel like this, stripped down to nothing, lost and useless. you made me feel like that, before. you made many others feel like their lives were no longer worth living. why not you too?

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[Giftstory!] One Thousand Mnhfs

Wrists strained outwards but she couldn't do more than twist her upper body side to side and thud her thick, useless mittens against the chair's arm rests.

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To Push the Limits

"you think you can escape your fate, you useless little goop? you were made to make me beautiful, nothing more." jessie quickly reached for the panel on the base of the tube and operated the release.

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Every Fox Has His Fay

Emmy chuckled as the tail beneath her twitched, uselessly, beneath her weight. the bright, red kit said, "well, what are you waiting for? go lick it!" "mmrph! mmrph!!" raisin cried, kicking his legs uselessly.

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