Catnundrum. Chapter Ten.
Simon nodded as rob curved his hips down to bump his half exposed member. "hun," rob bit his lip after saying it. "bud. dude, bro."
The haunting past
He spreads me even further than before, and i can feel the bumps driving through my ass muscle. he's only half-way in, slowly pulling out.
High School Sex: Chapter 1
I bumped into some else and panicked. i rubbed my head in pain and looked a cross me to apologize for bumping in to that person. i realized that i bumped into a female leopard much like me. she had yellow fur with black spots and a white tummy.
Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 1
"um... well, your pattern... and your bumps... and your colors." she started, growing in confidence, "they just aren't what females are looking for. your bumps don't look like anything. your colors are off. your voice isn't right.
A Blossoming Relationship
Korbin gave a playful growl and bumped his hips into jena's and then bonked his head with jeya's.
all for fun
Instead of barbs bumps little bumps in place of the sharp tissue ripping barbs. it's been a long week so many extra hours at work.
King for A Day
Both kangaroos spun a little , rocking one way and gently bumping and bouncing. danruk spread eagle underneath, king hovering and spread eagle dangling down to the other muzzle.
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 9
"speed bump!" i warned. "what?" there was a massive _b-bam_ as my suspension took the bump. the nose of the charger dove right after hitting it, causing the rear end to rise into the air as the back wheels hit the bump.
A Bloated Encore
Her body rebelled as her stomach bloated and bumped the glove box, refusing to comply without a fight.
After That Night: Chapter Three - Fatherly Issues
_maybe she just wants to get away from everyone, i know that feeling right now._ sero thought as he rubbed his bump.
Fox's kid i think \*bump!!!\* aagh!!! \*bump!!!\* aaaaagh!!!" "fang?!?" "w-what's happening to me?!? \*bump!!\* aaah!!!"
Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Two)
When diane was walking through the doors, she bumped into someone, and fell back. as soon as fara saw diane start examining this guy's body, she knew they fell in love at first sight.