At Home With the Roommates
The polar bear was smearing pre-cum from his cock over chris's stomach, coaxing chris right up to the edge.
A New Gay Brother
Said chris running in from the living room to the kitchen, panting. "what's up chris, need something?" his father mike replied back to chris while he finished grilling the burgers.
chris stood up as well and looked at it from all angles. "there's no opening", chris said after both him and emily circled the box a couple of times.
Getting Even
chris look down n saw his sexy chest and amazing six-pack chris' shorts began to fell tighter from the seen.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 116
chris without him noticing.
chris asked. "oh you won't, but i will." the incubus said before leaning in, his pierced lips pressing against chris's. chris felt such icy power, such strength.
A Very Forbidden Christmas, Day 2
Matt grunted and pushed chris's shoulder harder a few times, still looking at riddick. "chris."
Too Late, Just in Time, Ch 4
chris grinned and put both of his paws on the wall.
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 13
Him giving the pokeball to chris.
Too Late, Just in Time, Ch 3
Encouraged by the gentle pressure by chris' guiding paw, nick let chris guide him further down his length.
A Little Prank
chris asked as the tiger slid back onto chris's member. terry moaned in approval. chris spared a glance over at greg, and saw him being blown away by terry's slick movements.
Lylat Premonition- Chapter 2 - An Old Friend
chris just raised his eyes. [so he's still keeping quiet about everything, i don't blame him] without another word, chris followed the ferret quietly.