Walking a New Path

The network beyond the circuit was strange, yet inviting. she tested the feel by weaving more of her awareness across the bridge, astonished at what she found. this new network was unlike anything she had ever felt before.

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Chapter 1

Diagnostics showed that our neural networks weren't doing anything they weren't designed to do.

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[SNEAK PEEK] Conversion

The gleamsilk network, that invisible gossamer thread that connected him to his god, the network's namesake... he couldn't reach it. he couldn't hear that familiar chitter and whisper, or feel the embrace of the silk.

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Life in the Facilities

Much however, of the skilled labour are also hired in to the facilities specialized role within the planet wide network of compounds, be it military, research and development, medical, arts and culture, monitoring, education, or industry.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 13

He didn't bother getting off the table, he entered his lobby and dove into the network. "don't you have a job to go to?" uncle asked. "i'm taking a day off, it should please everyone."

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Sexual (R)Evolution - Smiling Smilodons

It took the ship's neural network a few seconds to make sense of what was happening. there were two ships, not one fat and bulky frigate.

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From the domain controller, i ran a quick nmap scan against their network. of course it was a crappy flat network. not a single vlan to speak of. at least there was probably a san somewhere based off the iscsi targets i could see.

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The Mark of Kain

"breaking into a government network is illegal, even a state government's network. in fact, breaking into anyone's private network is illegal. didn't you read the patriot act, punk? as to who i am, i am your worst nightmare.

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She longed to reach out and connect with them, join the vast network that linked them all, but she couldn't. she was rogue, unregistered, so linking to the network for even a nanosecond would've meant her arrest.

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Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8

Our information tells us the imperial fleet relies heavily on a networked computer system in order to coordinate all of their ships.

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Blue Is The Mood Prologue

Does the host wish to connect to the network now? there are 4850 people online. "connect!" naki rasped before clearing his throat and saying it again. "connect!" command confirmed. connecting to the portal network. connection successful!

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