Kayla: Mark of Penance

She was a licensed parent, and an experienced caregiver of penitatas - all of which didn't help her this time, as she tried to be neither a parent or a disciplinarian.

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OSAT CH3: Contracts of a Child

Now only two sorts would ever knock before entering the bedchamber of the young girl, the help, who were already in the room, and her parents. the doors were opened for the wealthy couple, having just returned from retrieving a special something.

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The Unsettled Boy (Beshin Sahin)

Somebody had been so awfully smart and had put some seats into the shop, for the parents. and this person was also a psychologist.

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Max's Dark Past

"say...you don't think his parents...." john says and then leans in towards maria "...got involved in a accident do you...?" maria sighed with a worried face. looking a bit tearful from how sorry she felt for the young kit "i-i certainly hope not..."

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Just Another Gay High School romance chapter 8

Another month had passed since that fateful day in Coren's room. Will had been giving Coren the love and affection he had been craving for a long time now. He thoroughly enjoyed cuddling up against his big strong wolf when they stayed at each others...

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Life's Pains (Part 7)

We had known each other since we were 4 and we knew each other better than anyone else, and yes that includes his own parents because as most of you know, parents don't always know their teenage children as well as they think. "well uh...."

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Todd's Coming Out (Part 2)

No parent deserves that no matter how shitty things get.' 'i'll call mum,' i said. 'once i've got my phone.' i looked at colton. 'five days? where did you go?' 'don't ask.

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Burnin' Bunny Buns

#1 of tiny toons babs whimpered shyly, looking up at principal bugs with a quiet shudder, hoping against hope the stern looking rabbit would grant her leniency, or at least let her off with a note to her parents. but it had grown far to late for that.

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Kayla: Pain of Innocence

His parent that he loved and trusted had struck him very hard, quite a few times. she presented her penitatas parental side, and the cruel inginuity that came with it.

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Luke and Theo Chapter 1 Tied and Tested

At 12:30 the bell rang signaling the end of the day, at 12:45 he saw with many other parents, his mom enter with theo walking smugly behind.

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M.A.G.I.C : Round Two

(I wrote this a while ago as practice for writing stories out of sync. You know...like Tarintino does movies. All out of order...like Memento or Pulp Fiction. Thing is, I never got around to writing part one XD ...so...uh...enjoy this is you can! ) ...

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Dark Destiny - Chapter 1

The warm feeling in my heart from my parents was swiftly taken over by the pain in my bladder, so i went out to the back outhouse and went to pee, what a relief that was.

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