Relative Sanity: Chapter Four
The next patient that geniva visited was on the second floor. she was pleased to see that it was more well kept than the floor below it.
Rat Tale Ch.1 The Question
Lane, a human doctor, had more patients than me and he was only certified to work on other humans. hover ,a tiger who only treated other cats, had more patients than me.
chapter 2, meet Mike
Kim said, now totally transfixed on the patient. he seemed to be staring back at her! but not in a way that made her frightened. she was more concerned the safety of the patient then with the doc. "yes.
#14 of diapers commitments follow two patients committed to the kinky tulip gardens asylum. the first patient, an arctic wolf, named vance. he is undergoing a two-week stay.
Helpful Ex(dis)tractions: The Daily Grind
She often snapped at redheart for looking too provocative around patients--she didn't really get how that was even possible, her acting nothing but professional around patients even if she _didn'_t wear panties under her coat.
Shut the Fuck Up, Learn To Buck Up
His paw teased the isolated length before pulling away and undressing his patient.
From Meetings to Naptime - Chapter 2 [Comm]
Several of the other patients were also sticking their snouts, muzzles, and noses into the sagging diapers of the other drooly patients, sniffing and whining and growling filled the air.
Doctors Log Ch.5 Doc 2
Ill be honest some of my patients are troubled souls with problems not meant for tv. take for instance my second patient.
An Inconvenient Heat
I get busy with patients and all goes well til the end of the day and my last patient. i'm so horny i am rubbing my crotch on the corners of furniture trying to get off. my last patient of the day is a new one who makes it all worse for me.
Chemical Combination
The male patient looked around, "a drug they use on the trouble patients. the nurses call it a chemical lobotomy." he watched his own hands as he hid a syringe in his robe, "you aren't alone here."
A Probing Physical Part 2
Fynn turned himself around so his back faced the patient. ‘right that's quite enough dawdling i think- fynn lubricant please.'
Experimental Procedures
I wait patiently as he guides the wand across ben's abdomen, and eventually the doctor states "ultrasound indicates the presence of a pair of ovaries. however, it can be assumed that, like previous patients, they are non-functional."