Raining Fire

A large portion of her fur was singed and burnt, leaving the skin underneath completely exposed but far from unharmed. large patches of skin were charred and blackened, flakes of black ash blew off of her with each gust of wind.

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Raiyev Part 20

She was very shaken, like harper had been when he kidnapped her from the prison, but she seemed unharmed physically. _thank goodness,_ raiyev thought. "are we out?" frost asked, looking up. "are we safe?"

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Chapter 1 : a new friend

"we are unharmed" replied ignitus. "but a strange object has crashed nearby". "i would like you, spyro and cynder to go and investigate while i tell the others what has happened". "ok" they all replied.

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A futile battle.

The snow all around, as well as the mist, suddenly vanishes in the sudden blast, spread apart as if mysteriously held by gigantic hands, holding back the very air itself as the massive boom shatters all around it, leaving the monster of the mist unharmed in


For No Apparent Reason- A1S2

I must keep the boy here safe and unharmed. he still must be able to make his own decision between his eternally-damned mother and the kingdom of heaven. through all this arguing david has tried to escape, seeing numerous sinners.

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Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs

Only twenty eggs remained unharmed and scientist immediately began work on human test subjects. however, a few decided to recreate the project that was done on ellen ripley. but this time, they were to try it on a child.

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Highborn Species datasheet

The highborn are a unique species, capable of walking into radioactive wastelands and staying completley unharmed when even the toughest of human anti-radiation suits would dissolve, they evolved for war and destruction.

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Unbroken Bonds: Chapter 3

For the next two lessons the day went by much as any other, the chemistry teacher demonstrating an interesting property of pure ethanol by pouring some onto the table and then igniting it, the tables were unharmed.

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Hibana and Jasmine - Fire

Despite the strength of the fire that destroyed her home, she was reported as alive and unharmed, and is ...\>\> she drained the rest out, completely relieved to hear that she was alive.

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The One That Went Rogue

With the strength he had left kiro picked himself and climbed down from the building, being thankful that we was unharmed enough from the fall that he could still walk, and more thankful that he would never have to run from anyone again.

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The price of freedom Chapter 2 Dumbcane

I know you have a dagger, by the time your eyes fully adjust to dark i will have slit his wrist he will bleed out, you dagger will hit him and i will be unharmed. i know you have being following me for the past few minutes.


Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 12

"if we return her, unharmed, we might find new friends in the foxes. open the way for trading and the exchange of ideas. just look at her clothes! that alone tells me they have mastered techniques we are not even aware of, and that's just weaving!

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