Identity: Chapter Forty-Five

Ned called garrett briefly en route to sf metro headquarters, gleefully detailing the arrest of the bigoted senator, but the call was a short one, because with the senator's arrest, the situation at sf metro had become insane.

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As the night went by

Most horses didn't like his breed yet he couldn't care less: having a 12 inches girthy cock and balls heavier than a clydesdale's he felt certain enough about himself so as to just let ignorant bigot comments and snarky retorts fly by without affecting him

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Restless Stop

Sooner or later she'd haul off and deck a smart-mouthed bigot and she'd be looking for work again.

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It's Not All About Dicks...

You don't have to worry about some transphobic piece of sewer trash outing their bigoted views by assuming i'm a trans-man and making some gross fucking comment about me being a '_reverse-trap_' trying to trick them into trying pussy just because they've never

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Bottle Episode

You have revealed yourself to a member of command staff as one who acts before he thinks, thinks in backdated and bigoted ways, and doesn't give a whit for protocol or procedure.

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Double Duty

It wasn't like he was a bigot, to be honest. gay guys could go do whatever the fuck they did behind closed doors.

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Alphys' Bad School Day (PART 2)

"now, now, call me a racist, bigoted asshole if you want, but personally, i think that the recent flood of mexican labor workers in the southern states is getting way out of hand!"

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Changing Minds, Changing Bodies

Yes, that was a die-hard bigot in a pint-sized body indeed. to run away from a safe home in these times...that boy was messed up in way too many ways. as urich sipped at his beer, his imagination started nudging him.

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That was a slur that bigots used (including some in the extended cotter line) to refer to four-leggers.

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Healing Hands: Old Wounds

It wasn't uncommon to meet violent bigots but to find one while he was in such a good mood? nemu wasn't in the mood for mercy. "you know, us 'academics' learn interesting facts alongside our magical studies.

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Fuck the Cook

Leaving this place, leaving this sanctuary of complete sexual liberation and heading back into the cold and often bigoted world beyond.

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Orelai- New Team

On the other hand there is the fact he's being pretty much accused of having faked everything by someone clearly bigoted against him just because of where he came from.

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