Remedy - 4
Remus looked down at his clean porcelain plate. Hamburger, buns made with natural flour. Chicken patty not cut with soy viand, freshly harvested salad probably from a hydroponic farm. Beer that wasn't a cheap knock-off: the tag was authentic and...
[Commission] Arguably Shoplifting
Omega was a shitty place. It was a half-functional scrapheap jammed into the side of an asteroid, and the closest thing there was to law was whatever band of organized criminals that'd become strong enough to enforce their rules on everyone else. It...
The Krogan Ailment
.** **a mass effect fanfiction: the krogan ailment** _by rvasil commissioned by: anonymous _ "pleasantries, dear listeners! this is mr. vic and i hope i'm not coming on too strong.
Freelancers, Chapter 23
#24 of freelancers (mass effect fanfiction) "so, what do you make of this? is it 'indoctrination?'" dr. michel leaned back in her chair and watched as dr. chakwas finished reading the file on her tablet.
Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 7: And One For Shepard
**:** **8** **8** **8** **:** "... _There have been several breeding requests for Grunt... and one for Shepard."_ ' **Why the fuck am I even here?'** John Shepard found that he didn't know the answer to his own question. Maybe it was his...
Krogan in Bondage
Krogan in Bondage For Zsisron The Krogan suppressed a small grunt as several members of C-Sec threw him against the wall, his back plates rattling slightly as he was pushed back. His feet were pressed against a pair of restraints, both of...
Change of Perspective Page 9
mass effect is copyright to their creators/owners. want to support me and get stories i write a month early with discounts and early commission slots? cameos?
Repurposing on Palaven | Entree Sized Commission
:p do enjoy it, this one was a lot of fun to revisit the mass effect universe lore i've been carving out. ;3 written by choice cuts deli commission for anonymous | february 2021 | 4567 words the perfect confluence of commercial development and individual
Freelancers, Chapter Fourteen
#14 of freelancers (mass effect fanfiction) been working on other stuff in addition to this...especially project: phoenix.
A Space Adventure
A blinking light told him that cragg engaged the thrusters, and was making a beeline towards the large monolith of a structure they all called the mass effect relay.
Remedy 3
_DING! DING! DING! DINGDINGDINGDINGDING!_ "COMING! STOP PLAYING WITH THE DOORBELL, FUCKER!" _DINGDINGDINGDING_ A few moans and hisses came from behind the reinforced closed door, along with mumbled insults, as the doorbell was triturated with...
Freelancers, Chapter 26
#28 of freelancers (mass effect fanfiction) "you sure you want to do this?" chula asked again as she, lia, valeria, quint, and dakka followed the security team out of the shuttle and onto the hangar bay floor. "i'm sure.