Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - The Last Stop

**the last stop** _protagonists_ freya crescent ([http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/freya\_crescent](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/freya_crescent)) - with weez weezel gazelle and her tigers ([http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/gazelle](http://disney.wikia.com

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The Monster from the Maroon Lagoon

A few murmurs came from the half-dozen other companions around the fire, which nobody wanted to leave on a chilly evening, lit by a waning crescent moon. you followed a beaten path to the lake shore and gazed out across the perfectly-still waters.

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Chapter 2: An Early Morning Wake-Up Call

._ i walk to the closet and grab a plain crimson shirt and black capris-shorts with a crescent moon stitched into the back pockets with silver thread. i also grab a pair of grey boxer-briefs from a small cubby in the closet.

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Art Rocks

. #### a simple black wolf was all he was, with a white crescent on his chest. all throughout the males on his dad's side of the family had this special marking. his eyes a deep teal-green, the colour of the gulf.

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Furever Faire Online Chapter 2

She pivoted into crescent slash once more, revelling in the feeling of battle.

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A Casual Hangout

"6287 wayside crescent. see ya there! - viv" reading the message for the hundredth time, unsurprisingly, did nothing to calm ben's nervously beating heart.

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The Flight of Io

High above her a pale crescent floated and for just a moment io felt her heart soar to remember what she had once been, her minds eye picturing the form she had once had.

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Remnants of Love and Hope

crescent moon!!!!! that... that must mean that i'm..." myer stuttered. "dead?" crescent moon finished for him and looked down to him, "yes... yes you're dead myer brande.

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Nashita Natumie

Eric's eyes widened "once every 1000 years a child is born with a crescent moon on their head." meria looked at eric and traced the crescent moon on his forehead. "you see i know your real name. nashita natumie."

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Rebirth ch33

Could you tell me who that crescent shaped pokémon is?" she gave me a nod and then turned back to the heartwarming scene before us. 'that, my dear knight, is cresselia.

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Surface (Chapter 8)

Lower slap with left round and right turning kicks while standing on his hands, her left middle palm and right middle slap with right round and left turning kicks in midair, and her right upper palm and left upper slap with right turning and left out-in crescent

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Getting Caught gets Interesting

Clinton was a male black bear, and was actually a little small for his age, he was only 5 feet tall, and had a crescent of white hair on his chest. he kept his hair short, and had deep green eyes.
