Kapitel 6: Abschied

Und der fünfte segen trägt den namen _zuneigung_.", es leuchtete nun rechts hinter maria ein stein in einem hellen grünton auf und mit ihm fingen auch die anderen vier bunt beschrifteten steine wieder an zu leuchten, "dieser segen soll dir einen blick dafür

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Toga’s Path

Toga found himself at the edge of a large cliff on top of a large formation overlooking a bunt waste land with a forest in the distance. a large battle seemed to be taking place at the bottom of the formation.

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Zwischen Freude und Verzweiflung: Hoffnungsschimmer

bunte sterne tanzten vor seinem sichtfeld und sein kopf fiel auf boden. trotz des schmerzes registrierte er wie minora die elfen anbrüllte, doch er sah wie nah sie daran war aufzugeben. „nein das darf nicht sein!"

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Missing In Action

He was left swallowing another cry as he felt the flat bunt teeth holding him briefly in warning before letting go, the eyes showing an edge of white as the beast turned about.

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Mirror, Mirror... - Beauty

"being a druid, you won't be able to just stick around and live your existing life forever," shadow said, bunting my hand with her head. i realized i had stopped petting the black cat that sat on my lap.

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Luck of the Roll

And the final one, who seemed to be the largest, in height, of the others wore an untattered cloak, and velvety white hair was tied into a bunt before flowing to his shoulder blades.

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Chakkir's Rest, Chapter Three (Commission)

He'd had dreams of what they'd done the day before, of what had happened to bunt, and even now he thought he could smell hints of apple cider in his fur.

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Stolen From Some Great Writer [Winter Meta 2022]

A chuckle from the tirix as bartan bunted the panther's side and trekked off. out of the large dining area and into the wide hallway, many different rooms scattered along its walls.

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The First Penitatas - The Eye of the Storm

Here, every store front, lighting fixture and structural support was adorned with bunting of various pastel shades, contrasting sharply with the extravagance on display in their store fronts.

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Highest Stakes

She gave deva a few strokes on the head, running her talons through some features, and got a little bunt in return, that quick nuzzle from the large dinosaur that made them seem, for a moment, so much less threatening than they appeared.

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In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Monday: The Unstandard Grind - Evening

She bunted up against the counter, leaning close towards the mirror to see a small tear in her left ear where an earring had been. her right pine tree-shaped earring was still intact. did she not remove them before leaving that night?

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