A Day in the Life

Okay, hypothetical question: if you're at a gay bar, and you bump into (and i mean literally _bump into_) a coworker--a coworker to whom you'd never _dream_ of outing yourself to, no mind--what do you do?

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The Wish Chapter V

The taunting had the coworker holding the vial low for david and his changed vision to see.

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Daddy's Little Holiday Party: Master

It was crazy to think at some point they were all coworkers, but now they shared these high-octane sexual experiences together. then jafari was back at it again. "but it is important to ask the questions, carl.

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Venturing: Three Desired Cons

Or was it that you have gotten crazy to the point that you would betrayed your own coworkers? this is not a test. but rather the directions towards the next clue. straight three buildings ahead, take the next alleyway.

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A Bird in Hand is Worth Two on the Pole

The wolfbird wasn't very good at conversation for the next few minutes, which his coworkers brushed off as nerves. they whispered to each other and nodded, hatching a little plan.

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Slippery When Wet

She was a petite girl, standing around a foot shorter than her six foot two coworker, with a short fauxhawk of platinum blonde hair capping her head.

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Just a Jackal

Most of my coworkers were good, and the management was reasonable. "tell you what. it's really slow for customers right now, so i'll tell miranda that i'm slipping out for a few minutes and come pick you up."

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The Gift of Rosiel - Chapter I: All's Not Well in Avelyon

Once in a while he'd managed to catch an afternoon or a night out with a coworker or a friend from high school, and that had been enough to make him content with his social life.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 10)

That makes working with him on a professional level a bit difficult, like if your coworker were a giant ball of mochi. and unfortunately, when things get busy, it's easy to slip up.

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No-Nut Narrator: Nov. 19-21 (Sleepless; Lick; Tight)

The male just shivered as his coworker resumed stroking his cock, pumping his impossibly hard length with a practiced rhythm.

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Can't Pick and Choose

Some guys had tricked a coworker into believing a female coworker wanted to sleep with him, and were laughing raucously about him "letting her down" gently. there were six new empty beer bottles on the coffee table. "what the hell are you watching?"

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The Pig-sty (Chapter 1)

There is something strange about his coworkers and his new boss plans to train him just like he trained the rest.

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