
No voice to use, i stagger about as i'm feeling followed, whispers being heard all around as the sun & moon stare at one another, their light begins to fade snarls are heard behind me... something foul is being made from every thought, it takes form, distorted

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City Sector Uplift part 6

Past the faint greenish distortion of the new sector's dome shield, the mountainside was formed in jagged, fractal shapes that defied gravity.

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Chapter 19

The guardian of the distortion world took a deep breath as if he were to give a long monologue but something within arthur told him to act.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 1 - A Blind Run

A symbol of fear, obscurity and distortion. to twist faces and truths in its sinuous smoky clutches, a maw of smog to swallow whole entire places.

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Trucking Along 003

With a distorted crack, i feel my bones start to reshape.

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The Mook Maker, Chapter 45: Thorns Without Words

My feline disappeared into one of her distortion portals practically immediately without much thought, and this time without a spoken answer.

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The Dying Snake

Me i wanted you back my heart began fail, sought for a source life energy it began to lack i kept myself alive through sinister lust, desire falling slowly apart my rose of love began to wither slowly readying for depart my mind was slowly distorted

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My ending

The memory that you had of me.. distorted because of a few lies you had no idea of how it would torture me so.. you say that you loved me... and i say that i loved you too.. but, when you believe, such a false judgement..

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CE04 - characters_Duncan

It's sort of a large panel on the floor, which generates a column of distorted space. it feels weird being inside it, but it's not really dangerous.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 30

They clashed, the ripples distorting the bloody face even further, turning it into the face of a red demon. _you were never there for her, kadai_, it whispered. _it's your fault she became like this.

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Through the Cracks - I Don't Exist But I Do Love

Static and distortion devour the image, it freezes, and then there is only a blank screen.

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The Call of the Abyss

Kylesa looked at astrya and saw her robes dripping with a dark black substance and a powerful shadowy glow emanated from her eyes, her face seeming to twist and distort itself. xaio fell slack in the worgen's grip and fell to the floor unconscious.

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