Worlds Apart Part 5

By this time the rest of the pack, after careful inspection of both jeri and her possessions, began to pick out their spots on the floor and the bed, and lay down to sleep.

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Guardians of the Anjari

after carefully packaging the rest of the meat and setting the bundle on the still encumbered _arlanu_, lynn tightly touched her palm to anise's cheek and smiled. "i will not have to tie you again?" she asked teasingly.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 104

But after caring for them... somehow that thought just changed along the way. how did he put it again...? ah yes. love knows no bounds. the only time love has a restriction on it is when there are restrictions set up by intolerant people." gerald quoted.

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Biohazard Remake - Chapter Six

One singular gift we shall grant y--" chris finally tires of hearing the alpha, also uncaring for how the lion kept drifting closer with careful step after careful step.

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Five

They locked up the vehicles after carefully securing the crates so they wouldn't shift and damage the furniture within. the trailer and car were parked under the watchful eye of an activated pdw.

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Chapter Thirteen: Wings & Other Things

Twilight commented as she stood and stretched after carefully placing a bookmark, two centimeters from the spine for simple place-keeping, she had a meticulous system for how she placed them, stepping over to me as i dropped to a knee to bring solomon closer

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Lacuna Vice

Your after-care sucks donkey dong._ he checked to make sure he still had both his kidneys, just in case. thankfully, all his organs were right where he'd left them. his echo-7 had even been returned to its place on his arm.

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Playthings of the Rich and Famous: Chapter 4

after care, and being told that he was a good boy. his ears did this adorable little floppy thing while he was squirming. i heard that one time, one of the passengers booked a session with him and kangto.

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Melinda Montserrat Book Two CH 3

Fortunately our master was aware and skillful enough to recognize that i had slipped far too deeply into sub-space and brought me out and gave me the after care that i needed." mel trilled hugging herself a moment. "yes.

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The Search for Ka'Le (9/15)

The first to arrive at their destination was draggor, xander, and zen, which after carefully choosing their route in order to make sure they weren't seen or followed, made their way into the scroll-maker's house.

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Jade`s adventures Volume: 1 The beginning of the story

after carefully examining the area, jade notices many traps around her. " so the information didn't lie," she thinks to herself, taking out the rest of the equipment from her backpack, namely: a lever-action rifle with .45-70 caliber optics, a paired .357

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Violet Oasis

after careful deliberation, he decided to go with the flow. belts and equipment were taken away leaving his scruffy self open to the air.

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