Time Watch: Trip to Vegas

'no, i just have a medical condition, but they're going to get enormous when i'm actually pregnant!' he growled and started to lightly bite down on her nipples with his cock going in deeper, balls deep.

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The Lost Boys (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 3)

"if his problem is a medical condition, then yes, we can function without him. although if it is a psychosis that he cannot get over, i fear it will take a great shock to his system to scare him from wanting to do it anymore."

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He that would fight monsters

"sir -- due respect -- our medical condition is extremely... perilous? extremely perilous," he repeated, more decisively. "we need a better equipped clinic, otherwise..."

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Need a tuneup?

Something along the lines of them being 'unnatural' or something to that extent despite that in most cases they tended to be for medical conditions.

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Unexpected Aid

It started off normally enough, confirming his identity, age, previous medical conditions, et cetera.  i skipped down to cause of death, the only thing i wanted to confirm.    they had not agreed with my assessment of death by accidental drowning.    

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Songs of the Mountain 5 - Beauty and the Beasts

"that was not my fault, that horse had a serious medical condition i was not privy to!" "it overheated in a hot spring and it died mom!"

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Pursuit of Eden: All Good things...

I'd known that he had a medical condition, an enzyme deficiency because his brain didn't produce it.

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Further Development

But unless i get a medical condition, no damn way i'm gonna let my cranky old fart get away with not having sex." he smiled. "i'm so glad we think alike so much. i don't want to become a divorce number.

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Transcending the Past

"well, aunt helen took sleeping pills to try to sleep because she had some medical condition and the pills she took for that caused her to try to stay up for days at a time if she didn't take sleeping pills at night.

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Extracurricular Activities

I have a medical condition that has made my life almost unbearable at times! i can't believe you'd be so rude!" "honey, i'm not pretending.

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The Biggs & Cunningham Detective Agency Part 3 (Unedited Text)

"one of the guests has a medical condition that requires them to take medicine regularly. somebody stole their bag with the medicine inside." "what can we do to help?" daniella shrugged. "i was hoping you had ideas.

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Patterson: A Heart as Warm as His Padding

"you were saying about your medical condition?" "ah, yeah," said kioga, slipping off his shoes and emptying them into the urinal. "back when i was a kitten, i got punched in the gut so hard something burst.

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