The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude

"you, behind my back, committed adultery and bared a son." "my love, you don't understand!" "lies! you lying, little, insignificant, whore!" the kaiser pointed the pistol at aura, and without hesitation pulled the trigger.

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Once And For All

But i could scarcely believe what i had already experienced, the life i had already committed myself to. i was among the slave class, and i accepted that much without question.

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Chapter XIII: Ask Us To Do Anything

* * * **kaeden's commitment** _by draugr_ chapter xiii: ask us to do anything * * * [!

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The Bigger They Are...

When tristan committed to something he did it. so he took some time off and booked into a hotel in the city under an assumed name and went to the parlour.

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55(DSV Nautica) Past Demons

Rape, pillaging, murder, genocide were some of the crimes committed. gross atrocities were committed in the name, by the command, of this captain. it didn't stop there. once that had happened, the society became a cult of personality centered on him.

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Superhero Story: A Shocking Power

"aren't you hero types supposed to wait for us to commit a crime?" "you've already committed dozens, gyroman! today, i'm taking you down."

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Roy Boy

This is something i wrote through six word stories about my uncle that committed suicide a few years ago. soon enough, time forsaken, not enough. leveled to shoulders, his trigger pulled. lost in this fog; now, forever.

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Xenophobic Tendencies

Stuck in yourself, commiting the same sins as your forebearers, never given chance. never given a chance to change or thrive as the true being you could be. i know this.

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Dirt Garden (poetry)

"time and time, i commit these small murders, to whose benefit?" i ask why and wonder, the scent of sap on scuffed and bloody hands.

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Life is like the desert, constantly changing, life is like the oceans, constantly re-arranging, life is accepting, both others and yourself, life is understanding, and believing in oneself, life is committing, and doing the best you can, life is believing,

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Making friends (commission for Kodi)

"perhaps you should have considered that before you committed all those crimes," the buizel mumbled.

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EyeWatch: Ticker Fronts

Doax kept quiet and his eyes were to yang once again as she once more explained the plan that we were going to commit. and once she was done, she questioned us. we all shook our heads.

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