The two felines went in right behind the two guards, and then attacked them when the door closed. they dragged the bodies into a side closet, hiding the evidence as best they could.
Fur Amongst the Dark
"treaty accepted under the condition that all hostilities and discriminations towards the felines, from canines ceases." sire explained. "agreed, the same actions of the felines towards canines cease." i reply.
Taken for a ride on the Bus...
The big horse moaned reaching down to stroke the felines broad head, fingers petting and stroking the tigers silky fur gently.
New Beginnings
The result is what you just felt," he chuckled, watching the felines wring their hands, giving him a brief and slightly reprising glance. "so," jay went on. "now you believe me, yes?" the felines nodded hesitantly. "good.
Rogue Wind - The Vixen
Alex remembered just how odd the two felines cocks were, they were very different from what toby had. if any good came out of what the two felines had done to her at least it was educational.
Submission of a Plainsman: Ch. 2
Could he allow himself to be taken by a group of felines, male felines at that, to be used like a sexual object; like some cheap male prostitute?
The Morning After
Wulfy placed his paws on istares shoulder blades lightly digging in his nails as he scoped down the felines back until he reached his tail. the wolf knealt as he simultaneously lifted the felines tail.
Swat Kats:Lust Day
First time writing any story with felines. ihink it turnes out well, but its not wat i think, its the veiwers.
The House on Rainbow Road - 14 - Sophia
The lesser felines immediately scattered when the greater male responded to her call with a guttural rumble. sophia circled around him, on all fours.
The Naughty List
Santa paws was already stroking his length through the slacks as he watched the two felines switch hit the ahdryl's ass.
Talking Business
The two felines laboured as arctic squirmed between them, their lengths sliding faster in and out her until both roared out in lust, slamming in deep and cumming hard.
Under the Stars (Diapers)
The two felines looked sweaty and disheveled but satisfied. matt and devin stood by the bonfire, which lost much of its intensity since it was seen last. matt saw the felines and waved at them.