Forest Keep 44

"i shall need your help to put him in the wagon." stepping slowly from the wagon, he gingerly tested his weight on the injured leg and was surprised to feel the pain had lessened considerably.

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Night of painted darkness.

Hass pulled out the used sheet from the wagon and buried his muzzle in it sniffing it, his ears stood up, his tail wagged madly...

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Learning a thing or two

He stared, wide-eyed and glaring down at a misplaced nail that was sticking out of the shoddy wagon. "shit," he gasped out, his tail smacking loudly against the wagon. "everything alright back there?"

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Whispers of Pain - Chapter 1 ~ Capture

Blood dripped onto the rough wood paneled flooring of the wagon. they will die... he thought coldly. a painful and slow death... he knew that one of the slavers would walk down the row to check the wagons soon, and when he did, he wouldn't leave.

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Skyrim, Arga's Story: Chapter 3: Dragons!

The wagons reached the courtyard at the far side of the fort town, the wagons coming to a stop near a wall. "all prisoners, out!" an imperial officer shouted from a little ways behind the wagons. along with the others, arga got to his feet.

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Unnamed Mousie - Ch 16: Finally out of the woods

Most of us were, that is all the slaves from my wagon, the furs from the other wagon seemed not be as tired as we were.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 2.3 Myre

To the side of her there was a wagon barely teetering on the edge, about ready to fall-- from the lack of other wagons present it was readily apparent that several already had.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 4.1 Bannihar

As if on cue, kayte emerged from the wagon, a small smile on her muzzle. "good news?" lord raes inquire, heading back toward his own wagon with an armful of clothes.

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The Claiming of Kobold Keep

The wagons were clear in the courtyard and the footsoldiers passing through the gate when the trap was sprung.

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Misplaced Legends: RotDK Chapter 2, the Cursed Woods.

The kings wagon was stopped in the middle of the road. both of the horses, and the two guards that road outside the wagon, had been torn apart and flung asunder.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.2 Myre

As camp was being set the laborers made themselves busy pulling the wagons in close. they set the fires, prepared the meals, and placed tents for those who would be keeping watch or sleeping outside of the wagons.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 6: Ritual's Consequence

By the end of that day, the wagon was loaded down with even more gold.

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