Second Chances - Chapter 23

My relationship with amanda had returned back to normal, and a summer without classes meant that it was easy to avoid hank, who had spent the rest of the semester staring daggers at me for breaking up with him.

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Origin: Gar

I learned to avoid anyone i could at that school. i ate lunch in a bathroom stall, used my ghostly body to phase through walls and avoid walking through any hallways, and i left school immediately as soon as the bell rang. i wasn't safe for long.

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Nieve Recounts Unplanned Wettings

I entered panic mode for a moment, but managed to act like nothing happened so as to avoid drawing attention to myself.

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"No Mercy"

As the automatic gunners got in position the cloaked figure continued the blocking movements but twisted, dropped or leaned to avoid the bullets that he couldn't reflect.

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Tales of Shadowheart chapter 5

She followed lein closely as per his instructions to avoid the possibility of getting him in trouble. he was getting ready for bed.

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ICG: Ch4 In Which

I narrowly avoid being skewered by a pair of beedrill stingers that glow with a sickly purple energy. suddenly i feel something slam into my back and i am thrown forward onto the ground.

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Chapter 9: Embarrassment

"a lot of parents have their cubs run around without diapers every once in a while, just so their fur can air out and they avoid diaper rash. and considering that you don't have any rash cream, let's avoid that." "oh."

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Change of Perspective Page 8

Her concern for not only avoiding the geth, but avoiding her so-called 'allies' has pushed her to take a long route not on any of the planned retreat paths, making sure that the likelihood of running into one of xenari's soldiers is minimal at best.

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Smashing Stag Party Version 1.06+

It is easy to avoid specific content, simply avoid characters of the undesired sex. what's new: we're celebrating pride all summer long!

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Witness Splashdown

Noticeably limping now, the saucer moves out above the ocean proper for quite some ways to avoid the island storm.

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The legend of a warrior, chapter 16 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - From father to son

Wyvern snarled in surprise and rage at that, backstepping again and avoiding the sharp tip of the sword for a puff as the other one, sliding forwards over his crossed ones, whistled threatening near his ear when he tilted his head to the side to avoid it.

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Dragon Watching Version 1.01

If you are playing as a male protagonist: the game contains m/f and m/m pairings (undesired content can be easily avoided). if you are playing as a female protagonist: the game contains f/m and f/f pairings (undesired content can be easily avoided).

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