Sylvie: Chapter Two - Part 2
The second act was amanda and lucy dressed up in some pagan priestess outfits which, through mutual entwining and clutching, were on the floor by the end of the set.
Domination and Submission Chapter 5: The Second Encounter
In one legend told to him by his father, the art of the blue was created to destroy a powerful pagan god of war and succeeded. and after the battle, the art of the blue was sealed forever, never to be uncovered.
Objects in Grimoire Are Closer than They Appear
But it was october 31st -- halloween -- and while she had no intent of venerating that pagan tradition, the forbidden thrill of the grimoire was exciting to her.
Make Like Dillinger (Act2, Book2, Chapter1)
It wouldn't be the first time the christian religion has made changes to the word to adopt pagan beliefs in order to draw in the pagans to convert.
Our First Noel
Various old favorites came up, as did nontraditional and pagan tunes.
The Blossoming
Cayden felt as if he was witnessing some kind of primordial ritual, animals in heat perhaps, a pagan cult from the dawn of time.
Call of Duty
There was a long tradition of lawlessness and paganism in the unclaimed northlands. that such depravity once afflicted the pilgrim knights was among their dirtiest secrets, known only by the highest ranking nobles.
Deviant Delights #25 - Damage Control
He wasn't completely read up on mythology for earth, though norse pagan myths were getting more popular lately now that certain movies were being released. "i bet you'll never gue-" "loki."
Getting Rid of Excess Stress
Unless we are referring to the more pagan gods, my tastes never did go down well with the sisters when i was in school... and they did;t even know the half of it.' he chuckled 'you know i've been called a succubus before, can you imagine?'
Gnoll Brigand: Prologue V
"we cannot abide pagan, godless faiths spreading in our territory, but more importantly, it would be terrible if we had little half-gnoll, half-human children running around: what do you think our neighbors upriver would say?
M&FF: Lore and Future Plans
Demons also does not simply refer to the christian version of hell either, and incompasses demonic figures from all of humanity's religious stories such as chinese, japanese, islam, hebrew, pagan, and so on.
The Secret - Part 21
When i was twelve, and we were at one of the pagan camp outs in october, i saw a seventeen year old guy mating with his fourteen year old sister.