Fast Food

He unwrapped his burger and took a bite only to notice that the mongoose was staring at him from across the restaurant. he winked again before returning to the person he was serving.

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Chapter 27 - Victory, It Tastes Like Chicken.

I chow down onto the burger and i can't believe how good it tastes. i'd forgotten about eating real food for so long that this just tastes beautiful.


Mako and Vega - 06

After grabbing some burgers, we sit down to eat. i'm just about to bite into my chicken burger, when sudden shove from behind causes me drop it, and a cool liquid splashes against my back. "ah, shit. sorry about that. here."

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Adipose City: Aussie Thunder

Vaguely similar to burger world's blockparty bbq chain, at least as far as the menu went; s&b was a "made to order" eatery specializing in grilled foods. burgers, shrimp skewers, grilled fish and chicken, things like that.

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Cat and Mouse Game - Ch 2 - Hard to Get

She moved to grab her burger, but her eyes caught on kaneko and she stopped partway. kaneko was quickly devouring her hamburger, but somehow also savoring every bite.

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The Late Shift

. ~~~~ on the corner of elm and 5th street stood a small fast food joint known as "speedy burger."

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Trish rolled her shoulders and took her small burger from the bag. with a silent sigh, she bit into the burger and ate. trevor finished his first burger when she was half-way done with hers. his second was finished just as she ate her last bite.

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Scorpent Legacy (Ch. 7)

It took but a moment to fish her burger out of the bag before handing the other burgers to him. he puzzled over the paper wrapped parcel for a moment and licked it tentatively. "erm... this doesn't taste at all like it smelled..."

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Kleine Freude

They squeezed the press together, and when they opened it back up, there was a perfect little horsegirl burger in the mould. the chef carried the burger over to the flat top and dropped it on.

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Chapter 12: Ordering up some fun

Alex asked, through a half mouth fool of burger. i swallowed my bite of burger and replied "no i don't."

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The Priest and the Orphan Chapter 3

The owner was a lion named alfred who owned the "best" (never use superlatives you can't quantify) burger place in town. each night, at 9:00 each night, we went over to alfred's place.

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Dragyn's New Career

"burgers," heather explained. "it's grilled meat in a sandwich, basically." she pulled a burger out and unwrapped it to show dragyn. "this is the megamacro meaty burger," she explained.

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