Respect Thy Elders
Andrew couldn't even scream as he was pulled into the bathroom, the door slamming shut as well as tentacles formed from the excess goop, hauling him aloft as it ate through his clothing.
Pepper VS Temptation - Part 6
Two-centimeter-long, half-centimeter-wide, bits of melted crystal tubing now littered the floor, sitting in the clear goop that must have been used to make them. the goop was very viscous and slowly hardening.
The Price of a Host (Vore Story)
April burbled and mumbled as the goop in her roommate's belly continue to rise up around her, filling in all the cracks between her and cera's stomach walls.
Courtship 7: Bastards
The attempt only managed to smear it around his abs, salmon goop sticking into his whitish gray fur. "and this is a recipe that hardens as it dries, isn't it? gah!"
Ancestral Reincarnation - Introducing Aapa
The sloppy sounds of paranormal goop slapping against the athlete's ass and a ghostly moan filled the temple grounds, warding off any passerby. kor had repositioned aapa's body to lay upon a stone bench.
Marton's Debt Relief
The world seemed to get smaller and smaller, as the ring descended upon marton, who was tugging his paws up and down in the sticky white goop that kept him stuck square in the middle of the tube.
Intermediate Species Studies - Chapter 6 - Behind The Shack
The boy's stretchy white tube only half-covered his cock now with strings upon strings of rich, milky goop connecting his swollen pink dick to seemingly every fold of that loose sheath.
Unforseen Cumsequences
Every step he took back to his car sent a fresh surge of clear fluid from his gooped-up foreskin into - and out of - his strained shorts.
White as Snow
Shards went everywhere, and the white goop surged, slamming the equine to the wall. tristan tried to stay awake, but his vision was swimming.
A Leisurely Rampage
Satisfied, his tentacles reassembled themselves from all that goop and tore out of the structures, allowing them to crash to the earth in dust and debris.
Paladin's Choice
Chris turned the dial on the box, pressed a button, and the goop around paladin's hands and wrists just disintegrated. paladin looked at his wrists fumbling to move them.
Avoiding Extinction
Ricken was glad he had his hat to keep the goop out of his eyes as large gobs of spooge rolled off the brim. others were far less fortunate. the egg slowly slid out as ricken continued to pull at it.