Thoughtform 2

You don't need spellbooks and wands to do magic. you have magic inside you. but how does it get there, little one? hmm? well, you see, dragon seed is often what makes a sorcerer.

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Antithesis, Secrets of Love

Shandi sat in a comfortable chair before a reading desk, her spellbook propped open before her.

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Ayu's Wolves 1: Well Met By Moonlight

She could still feel her spellbook in her satchel, though her knife was missing. well enough. "alright why not. on one condition." "condition?" trin's eyebrow raised. "i'm gonna need you to stop raiding travelers on the road first."

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Patreon Reward - Raffle - Celebrating Release

She'd been working hard as the wizard's assistant, learning how to do spells on the sly and keeping her own spellbook. she'd even taken one of his robes and modified it for her needs with pockets galore and space enough for all of her frame.

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His Last Mistake

Today, however, he was distracted as he organised a shelf of thick leather-bound spellbooks. a moan barely escaped his lips before he stopped himself. _any time now..._ "slave. it's time for your weekly mana extraction."

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Jahaliya: A Revelation in Song

Eleanor ran through each of the panther's strange trials through all these mysterious accessories, she singing arpeggios, pitches high and low, loud and soft, phrases from spellbooks and lyrics from songs that sprang from her mind in bursts.

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Forgotten Art - Parting Gifts

His mind drifted back to the spellbook, his last thoughts on imagining what the higher end spells could do.

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All that Glitters: The Expedition

Recalling a rather practical trick she'd seen in a few of her spellbooks, xavi wove a small piece into its detection phase which would alert her when it reacted to a mind about to perceive her.

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Chapter 12

Zericho winged away, and returned shortly with nate's spellbook, handing it to the human and taking a few steps back. "alright, what spell do you want to cast?" "well... let's see..."

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 9

He finds the necromancer's spellbook and lazily flips through it, bored by the useless rituals and needless fanciful nature of everything within.

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Where Snow never Melts: Quest for Knowledge

The spellbook came out first. she secured it between two talons and swatted the cover aside with her snout, blowing the pages one after another with audible snorts. magnus paled. "stop!" he roared, harsh enough to send the birds into frenzy.

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Ghost in the Stones 5 - Family Meeting and Neighbors

Maybe whoever had killed her had burned it with her, thinking it was a spellbook...but something in his gut was telling him a thing that powerful would not be disposed of so easily.

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