The Long Gift—Chapter 10
The prize fuck of my life is my best friend turned herm." jaime gives kurt a hug. "thanks man. i feel like i'm on top of the world."
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode III
We're just friends - best friends. he was always sticking up for me - ah - i got picked on a lot at school because i was the rich kid...pretty sure i've told you that."
Razara - Second Day
Ferma was the first to wake the next morning. He watched Razara sleep for a few minutes but quickly realized that he needed to piss and snuck out of the bed. As he got to the bathroom he closed the door and stood in front of the toilet and let out his...
A Different Kind of Babysitter - Part 2
The wolf watched as his best friend spread apart the vixen's legs and penetrated her. the coyote swayed his head slowly in a circle at the first contact with the holiest of holies a female possessed.
Best Friends
His best friend and lover, ryan the saber-tooth, lived with him together in the place and was currently taking a shower; bruce was in his late thirties while ryan was in his early twenties.
Best Friends.
Nero you're my best friend. you can tell me anything." his words reassured me and i opened my mouth again. happily something other than stuttering came out.
Best Friends
best friends by lady darkfox lady woke up to a knock on her door she slowly open her dark green eyes and got up she started to walked to the door, "i'm coming!!" she yelled as she put on her blue robe.
Best Friend
I didn't want to go alone, so i brought my best friend sarah with me. sarah and i go way back, we were roommates in college, and ever since then we've done everything together.
Best Friends
Two best friends, a lion and a tiger, are dominant sex fiends with no restraints--except, for some reason, each other. they hang out all the time and frequently relate their sexcapades, but they've never actually gone at it together.
Best Friends
best friends josh and kale share a new and pleasant experience best friends kale and josh had been best friends since kindergarten. there first day of school the two sat next to each other in class and haven't been separated since.
Best friend
friend of you.