Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 6 Aelwyn

"the humans here at the school are much further behind in their intellectual and emotional development than we ever believed possible." ansulm stated. "do you mean like this one here?" aelwyn asked pointing at me.

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"i want to get back," she said instead, not entirely aware of the emotions developing in her system. really though, a part of her felt, "i wish i wasn't alone."

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Homecoming Out Finale: 2/2

It's not the greatest chapter i've written, but it's very fun and goofy and i think a satisfactory conclusion to rob's emotional development.

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The Beginning of a New Normalcy - Ch. 2

I was a bit frazzled at first by the feeling that i was rushing the characters "emotional" development but in the end i decided that using my real life marriage as a base was the best idea, write what you know and all.

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8. My New Life-7

Both chakats look at each other in surprise, then looked at me and ask, "will it affect hir emotional development?"

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Searching for Silver Clouds (Part 2/2)

I can't complain that i have physical solace in seth and emotional development with aaron. where i can find myself a little wanting is in the fact they aren't the same person. i have yet to have found someone who could be both for me.

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Love Shall Win 4 - When We Become One

Shybert said nothing still with a face firmly stoic beneath his mask, turning most uncomfortable by this emotional development as he mumbled cautiously to himself and went busily back to planning out the seating arrangements.

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Untouchable: Part 3: Ch 27-39

"well, everyone really does need protection," he said, "from family, to society, for birth control, and for emotional development." then there was a long silence outside the bathroom. "what is he," she asked. "an engineer," sean said.

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But as kylenus had never been truly nurtured as a human child, there were gaps in his mental and emotional development that had never been addressed properly, so who was to say that he wasn't a lad, rather than a grown man, when it came down to it?

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