Realms of Valeron - Chapter 6
Realms of valeron is a comedy fantasy, part sit-com and part epic adventure, which explores the bonds of friendships in a digital age. chapter six "abbadon the scourge was not always the creature that he is today" explained gunnar, warily.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 11: The Reality Of My New Reality (Recap)
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 11: The Reality Of My New Reality (Recap) ** Day 7 continued "Another movement?!" My she beast said in disgust. "They are like ants! When one is squashed, another appears!" "Uh, what is the Equality Now...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapters 0 & 1
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 0: Alex Winter (The Guinea Pig)** Hello. My name is Alex Winter. I am keeping this journal in order to chronicle the greatest civilization that has ever existed on this world. It is my hope that who ever should...
Welcome To Equestria
~blu and hotshot * * * our epic adventure started with a letter _dear princess celestia..._ _i doubt you even know of our existence, however powerful.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 13
Realms of valeron is a comedy fantasy, part sit-com and part epic adventure, which explores the bonds of friendships in a digital age. look here if you would like a story commission of your very own!
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 31:Wicked and Evil
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 31: Wicked and Evil** Day 98 continued "Who told you?!" I asked Lady Ursa as she continued to rub my back. "Was it the trio? Sir Wolf? The High Evolutionary?" (Talk about being caught with you pants down.) "That...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 24: In Our Time of Desperation....
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 24: In Our Time of Desperation.... ** Day 90 continued "Let us out of here!" I pounded on the now locked door. "Nothing doing man! Our leader has been eagerly awaiting your arrival and he wants to have a few...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 16: We Better Not (I Hope) Pass This Way Again....
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 16: We Better Not (I Hope) Pass This Way Again....** Day 61 continued "Geez do I have to?" I asked Lady Vermin. "How do we know he won't find his service weapon and kill us while we are sleeping?" "You don't."...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 13: Evil People Doing Evil Things
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 13: Evil People Doing Evil Things** It had been almost two weeks since I accompanied mistress Ursa to the prairie. As a result of that mission, I slowly started to understand my clairvoyant ability. It seemed to...
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 7
Realms of valeron is a comedy fantasy, part sit-com and part epic adventure, which explores the bonds of friendships in a digital age. look here if you would like a story commission of your very own!
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 18
Realms of valeron is a comedy fantasy, part sit-com and part epic adventure, which explores the bonds of friendships in a digital age. look here if you would like a story commission of your very own!
Scrolls of Etheria - Chapter 1
Scrolls of etheria is a comedy fantasy, part sit-com and part epic adventure, which explores the bonds of friendships in a digital age. chapter one "don't stand in the fire!" screamed roka.