Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 4: Guardian**
Day 7 (continued)
Corbin and I were close to freaking out as the three of us watched the sun set and the red sky fade to night.
"Alex what are we going to do? You saw what happened to...
Bear, Dark, Deaths, Everything Has Changed, Fear, Feeding, Horror, Huffing, Humans, Insect, Kissing, Mongoose, Origin Story, Reunion, Sleep talking, Werewolf, creatures, despair, monsters, new character, swearing, taunting, terror, the unknown
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)**
Day 63 (The wilderness west of World One)
"Outrageous!" I shouted jumping out of the cockpit. Dawn soon joined me. Together we...
Adventure, Bear, Cheetah, Discovery, Donkey, Everything Has Changed, Game night, Humans, Lioness, M/F, Mongoose, Mystery, Pending Crash, Prototypes, Salvage, Werewolf, crippled, f/f/m, obelisk, recovery, storm, triad
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 31: The Further Adventures... **
Day 59 ** ** (The Great Forest)
"This place hasn't changed in the slightest." I said looking out of the window of the blue coupe as we flew overhead. "Well apart...
Bear, Buck, Cervine, Cheetah, Compound, Donkey, Everything Has Changed, Fennec, Horse, Humans, Implied Sex, Journal, Lioness, Mission, Mongoose, Owl, Rhino, Short, Thugs, Turtle, Werewolf, fossa, hologram, outpost, prototype, sentinel
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 36: Trust No One (Places Both Known And Unknown Part V)**
**_While all that was happening, this was also taking place...._**
Day 65 (The pit- trap in the forests between World Four and World...
Abduction, Adventure, Amphibian, Betrayal, Comical, Everything Has Changed, Examination, Humans, Humorous, Lioness, Masturbation, Mongoose, Off Switch, Plot Progression, Research Lab, Salamander, Trap, Werewolf, argument, confrontation, fossa, reproduction, semen, test
**Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire**
**Chapter 42: Arrivals**
Day 72 (evening, the Infirmary)
"Ah it looks like one of our patients is up." I said looking at the young red avian.
"Where is badger lady?!" She cried. "I need badger...
Adventure, Avian, Badger, Bear, Coyote, Dear, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Horse, Howling, Humans, Lionesses, Long, Meeting, Minotaur, Mongoose, Nudity, Others, Plot Development, Possession, Rabbit, Rhino, Werewolf, guard duty, invasion
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 13: The Corbin Report**
Day 24 (ATF)
Ok how should I begin this? It wasn't the best of times, it wasn't even the greatest of times. No, that ain't it.
Another Perspective, Bear, Communal Bathing, Everything Has Changed, Home Improvement, Humans, Humor, Lions, Long, Meeting, Mongoose, Origin Story, Plot Development, Snuggling, Sparing, Training, UH OH, Werewolf, flamethrower, prototype, snowstorm, socializing
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
Chapter 37: Stranger In The Woods (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VI)
While Corey and Rumble were being detained by Ida and Claudius and Alex and Dawn were waiting out the snow storm near the plains, this...
Adventure, Camp, Death, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Horse, Humans, Humor, Huts, Letter, Mission, Others, Otters, Rabbit, Rhino, The Joy Of Possession, Totally Utterly Screwed, despair, dismemberment, new character, quest, starvation, survivor, vomiting
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 44: The Way Of The Wicked**
Day 72 (2:30 AM the lost city)
"Sir Ram?! You survived!" I said as I greeted the evil beastial. It figures that many of the innocent perished while the evil and wicked...
Adventure, Avian, Badger, Bear, Cat, Comical, Dark, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Goat, Humans, Humorous, Lioness, Meeting, Mongoose, Planning, Plot Development, Prototypes, Rabbit, Ram, Rhino, Time travel, Tour, Werewolf, despair, travelers
The Story Thus Far:
Six months have transpired since the known world ended. Many died during the cataclysm. Some during the harsh winter that followed. Those that were left struggled to just to exist. The lack of food, water and amenities didn't help,...
Akita, Badger, Bull, Caprine, Chakat, Coyote, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Humans, Lioness, Maned Wolf, Masturbation, Mongoose, Oragasms, Plot Development, Quoll, Reunion, Something Is Wrong, Wombat, colony, confrontation, harpy, interrogation, prototype, revelation, survivors
The Story Thus Far:
Three months after the known world had ended two loose communities arose from its ashes- one the brainchild of a megalomaniac who wanted to rule and dominate over what was left, the second a conglomeration of survivors from diverse...
Bear, Cat, Cheetah, Chinchillas, Comical, Dog, Donkey, Everything Has Changed, Fennec, Humans, Lab, Lioness, Orc, Plot Development, Rabbits, Ram, Rhino, Sharks, Shock, The Ram's Tale, Totally Utterly Screwed, cleaning, danger, monsters, prototype, triad
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 58: The Demons' Slaves (My Place In This World Part II)**
"Whoa, I am exhausted." I said putting down the mop and bucket. "I can't believe we cleaned all of Torture Tower!"
"Yuppers!" The female...
Alternate Life, Alternate Reality, Demons, Everything Has Changed, Fighting, Gift, Hazing, Jell, Labors, Lioness, Lizard, Nudity, Panthers, Plant, Plot Progression, Punishment, Reflection, Servitude, Slavery, Something Is Wrong, Taskmaster, Wolf, injury, monsters, orangutan, transfer
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire
**Chapter 9: Haunters Of The Ruins**
Day 12 (The lava and magna lake- Formally World Three)
"The door is opening!" Corbin shouted. "Should we prepare weapons?"
"No." I said opening the cockpit of the blue...
Bear, Cuddling, Desperation, Destruction, Discovery, Everything Has Changed, Exploration, Hugging, Humans, Humor, Kissing, M/F, Masturbation, Mongoose, Mystery, Orgasm, Orgy, Scavenging, Werewolf, Wolves, ash, attack, despair, lava, magma, monsters, prototype, revelation, ruin