I don't know who might be reading this, whether a fellow middlist, or some far-future person actually standing on real rock and soil tearing apart the ship for parts, or even some alien race sifting through our bones.
World war VI
. #### in the far future 3099. one more robots or even robot aliens but no one knows.
Chapter 01 - Arrival
#1 of life's secrets so, this is my first post on this site and it's mainly to avoid having this and it's far future chapters posted on the same site.
There Goes the Neighborhood: Concept and Explanations
#5 of science fiction, space and the far future okay, now that i have this nifty little idea around, i can actually write the story to go along with it.
Solis Part 1
Then see a bit of our future, our not so far future. i had to know and to stop it all, cast my own issue aside. "and vex?" i stop, turning around to face the blue light. "yeah?" "be careful out there."
The Tales Of The Eternal Traveler - Prelude
I'm making these thoughts for some other being in the far future. that's really strange. but i digress. to whomever looks back on these memories, i will never know who you are, but you'll know me, and maybe even better than i know myself now.
Escaping-Part 1
This takes place in the far future in the point of view of my fursona, zero. zero is an android however he does not know it yet and has lived the beginning of his life in a military science base where they create ai units that are bred for war.
Book 1, Genesis: PREFACE
This series is set in the not so far future of the planet earth, or terra, as it is referred to sometimes by her inhabitants.
Character Backgrounds - Dawn and Emma
The longest she'd been away was six months, after she'd found herself tricked by a fellow artifact hunter and enrolled as a 'test subject' at an incredibly high-tech far future sex toy company.
Love Is... Chapter 11
However tenuous, it seemed to indicate a belief on the male's behalf that they were still going to be together in that far future time.
One Down, So Many to Go
The far future suddenly got two humans, the first of many to help fix where they went wrong in the past. as they entered the void, the human woman looked at the mage and stuck her tongue out. "you owe me big time for this!"
Heart of Ice Ch.9
I soon drifted off to sleep, dreams about me and markus in the far future with rings in both of our fingers. i saw us living together in a small house in a small neighborhood, the both of us happy of where we lived.