The Fisher of Souls: Smoked Salmon

first snow would come within a few weeks and a whole year's worth of work would have been down the drain.

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Rukhgert Stern, the griffin. (Prologue)

The first snow, blizzard, and after a long wait - a joyful first rain. besides the first things, there were the latest, joyful and sad: berries and swimming, trips to a wooden house, meetings with friends in the country world.


Rocky Mountain Times - Seven Months Later...

Tonight he watched as the first snow of the season blanketed ridge in a thick layer of white. the heavy flakes fell slowly and were beginning to build up a substantial accumulation.

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Sheeperfly's Lullaby

Our daughter cannot stay with you in this form, but she will emerge again when the first snow falls."

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-five

Sure, sometimes i felt the need to pace up the grassy alley, but i found as the autumn faded and the first snows began to fall, that this need decreased. the weather got colder and colder still.

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A Fox Romance (Chapters 3 and 4 + epilogue)

"the first snow of winter..." i said and quietly smiled. "yea..." rayan said and squeezed me against him. "come on... let's go home before we both catch a cold." he said and helped me up from the bench.

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On A Night Like This

The first snow of the winter was drifting down, blown from the west and over the top of their little alcove in the garden.

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Friends In Deed

The first snow came earlier than expected, falling during the night and misting the landscape in a haze of white.

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Hope of the West - Prologue: The Wolf and the Doe

Although the first snow hadn't yet fallen, the people from the town had been preparing steadily. all week, eras had seen stacks upon stacks of wood, safely nestled under porches.

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Becoming Tundra***Chapter 6

With taking this job, i want to warn you that there are some initiations that must be preformed first." snow's head tilted a little, "initiations?" anubis just grinned and then snapped his fingers.

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Visiting Town

"don't get many reptiles up this way this time of year, first snow's on the horizon," the buck stated, counting and checking the coins. "what's your business up here?" "traveling and seeing the world.

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