Fox Fire (extras/ deleted seines)

#8 of fox fire chronicles these are a collection of seines that never made it into the mane story for whatever reason, either that don't conform to the story line or i couldn't find a spot to put them.

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New Beginning Chapter 5: Fox Fire

Another chapter of my old Poke'mon story, edited and updated. I really hope everyone is enjoying taking a look at some of my earlier works while I work on new projects, and as always all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy! A few days out of...

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Fox Fire 2: Son Of The Flame, Chapter 1

#9 of fox fire chronicles author: this is a continuation of "fox fire" this story can probably be understood without reading the first story, but for the sake of the story and my own vanity i ask that you read "fox fire".

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Fox Fire 2 Son Of The Flame Chapter 5

#13 of fox fire chronicles amber sat down in his lap, allowing his stiff member to sink into her body. she moaned in pleasure, it seamed somehow bigger, stronger even then normal.

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Fox Fire 2 Son Of The Flame Chapter 4

#12 of fox fire chronicles "marta i'm scared, why are you so calm about this?!" blossom cried from her place at the table, the cup of tea she held in her hand trembled heavily and threatened to spill.

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Fox Fire 2 Son Of The Flame Chapter 3

#11 of fox fire chronicles auther: i'm really, really, sorry this took so long. my writing style might have changed too so tell me if its for the best. 18, bla bla bla \*\*\*\*\*\* as amber shut the door to the mating room, leaving blossom

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Fox Fire 2: Sone Of The Flame Chapter 2

#10 of fox fire chronicles the night air was chill as blossom sat and stared out at the sea. her pink scales sparkled in the moonlight; her long red hair flowed down her back like liquid rubies as she ran her comb through it.

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#1 of the fox fire chronicles (discontinued) the fox fire chronicles are the story of a young kitsune, luna, and her struggles for survival and self-discovery. chapter one lays down some plot detail and serves as a teaser for upcoming chapters.

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ECS: The First Bond

The kitsune fire flashed and melted the bullets caught in their swirling mass before they too dispersed. the mech whirred and clanged a heavy foot deeper into the mouth of the alley.

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A Secret Revealed

#4 of the fox fire chronicles (discontinued) mostly just plot and character development. nothing special, really, but gives a preview of the kind of relationship wess and luna have right now.

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Family Reunion

#3 of the fox fire chronicles (discontinued) a significant part of the plot revealed here. luna learns about her real mother and the order learns of her reappearance.

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Digimon - New Generation - Kapitel IV Das Dorf der Koromon

Marcs digivice reagierte wieder: „garurumon - level: champion - tier digimon - typus: datei - attacke: fox fire", ließ das kleine gerät verlauten. es sah jetzt vollkommen anderes aus. garurumon glich einem großen wolf.

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