The Darkness

Kazgor and kelly stood alone in the dark room, the only lights came from their guns and kazgor's armor. they stood in silence for a long time waiting. kazgor looked over at kelly, she was looking back out towards the highway.

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Kurai watched the city below her in it's usual hustle and bustle. A small sigh omitted from her parted lips, her brown eyes closing while she allowed herself to fall. She plummetted through the air, down the sides of skyscrapers and buildings. Opening...

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The Darkness...

There is a place deep inside I go and I hide even you cannot penetrate the blackness that is my mind. Snakes dance I'm in a trance writhe and Burn in Dantes inferno. There is nothing left to believe in the streets I walk at night faces in a crowd...

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Darkness inside me, Constantly fighting, Barely winning, This fight is always, Happening silently. Life goes on, Without noticing, My fight, Sometimes I just want, To scream out. But I don't, I fight, Slowly losing, The darkness is...



Somewhere in the dark. she couldn't quite remember how she got there. all she remembered was that she was in the bar, just talking to people. oh, there was that cute guy, and that one creep who asked about her boobs. and a girl, too.

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I hid in the dark mouths of alleys until the sun hung low in the sky and the shadows stretched toward the manor like hungry claws. that cruel smile split my face once again as i melted into the shadows and slithered toward the estate.

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The Darkness

A poem born of depressed boredom. * * * The darkness always comes, it's call to me so strong. And when it does I dance about, for I know that I belong.



Alone in his burrow a grey rat stirred. He wasn't hungry and he was very much tired. But why wasn't he asleep? The rat found that. . . every time he shut his lids, two golden orbs stared stare right back.The eyes of a cat? Of a snake? The rat himself...

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IN The Dark

#1 of in the dark this is a story im going to continue. please take your time to read the whole thing. and enjoy!

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The Darkness

Tick tick tick. The sound of a pair of black short heeled shoes click on the cold wet asphalt as a young woman heads home after a late shift at the dinner. She walks alone past various alleys, unaware of a pair of hungry eyes on her. With a whoosh a...

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I feel a darkness inside It wants an internal homicide Of all the good that can reside To create a downward slide It wants an internal war That has been fought before All trapped behind a strong door It is too much to ignore. I have to...

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