Hostile Takeover
He barely felt his skin itching and twitching, he only felt stronger as his heavy neck crested and his ears pricked up high forward. the muscles twitched again as he thrust forward, driving himself greedily along the fingers gripping him.
The Dragoness' Gift: Male Finale
For the first time she bristled as he stepped onto her ledge with a cocky air, his neck crested and eyes flashing as he ran his eyes along her.
Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 20
Sparx muttered, letting go of his brother's neck crests. "it feels...strange, down here." "yeah..."
Ghostbusters: Regenesis 14 - Snakebite
A cobra like hood stretched out from its head and neck, cresting out before fanning back.
Friendship in the Far South
Nacen's neck crest twitched. she stomped her paw down on the snow. "if that's the case, then... then we'll just have to hunker down here! maybe the storm will be mild." "haha_ha_!"