The Segmented Replicator (Commission for Veridis)

It took hyena a moment to understand the question was meant for his other self. "h... heavy..." hyena replied, his gaze lost in the lion's blue eyes.

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A Surprise Party

When he asked his other self whom his master was his doppelganger enthusiastically replied that it was renzyl with a smile on his muzzle.

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Finding Oneself

Since his other self was a drone there was no way for him to maintain and he much rather feel his own subby drone mouth on his cock then to try and reassert control.

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One More Load - 2021

Miles kept resisting the urge to let go and moan loud into the night, as his other self was smacking his thighs against his ass; and his knot bulging on his dick throbbed uncontrollably.

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Leviathan Chapter Five: Of Two Minds

But leviathan's other self only seemed to have her own best interests in mind, or perhaps their own best interests.

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Leviathan Chapter Five: Of Two Minds

But leviathan's other self only seemed to have her own best interests in mind, or perhaps their own best interests.

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Soul Dance

The otter whimpered softly, feeling his form bulge with the sheer size of the cock, afraid from the words his other self spoke.

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Prologue: Questions

.\* sonic is unable to remember his other self yet his heart aches for him. tails creates a device that will let him remember. he no longer cares the cost. he wants to remember. but can love existing only as memory hold him for long?

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Personal Time

Caroline fell against her other self heavily. the sudden pressure on her love button made her body both lock up and go completely limp at the same time.

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Working with Criminals 9: The Mission Ends

The flickers steadied the longer that he looked at his other self, and his jaw dropped as the other nor grinned. " did you..." "that mouse isn't the only one with tricks."

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It's like staring into a mirror, i copy myself, and both me and my other self place our jaws around our necks, our paws linking up. it smells like fire for a second, and i can feel it burning behind my eyes.

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My other self was most amicable. after all, they were me. i returned the salutation, before taking my spot beside the bed.

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