Dragon's Deep

I had no idea what was happening, who i was, why i was here, but when someone with power abuses it for the sake of something petty like pleasure, enjoyment, or simply because, i had to do something about it.

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The Lost of the Marshes – Chapter 5: Intersection

If they thought this guy was suitable to be a commander - a lazy, misogynist, power-abusing jerk -, then, to hell with the army! "i don't-!" the mongoose blurted out. ludama approached him, slightly inebriated at this point. "huh?

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Dragonball Ultimate Arc 1, Chapter 1: Plans Gone Awry

Mostly i do it because i can't stand it when people who think they have power abuse it by attacking those weaker than they are." he replied, gesturing to the unconscious tiger over his shoulder.

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Marla Chapter 5 - New Friends, Old Friends

It was just another example of the rich and powerful abusing the everyday fur on elysium. marla looked at olivia. the mink giggled. "they had some interesting results for me." "oh?" marla asked. "yep! they think i am smart."

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Digital Takeover

All her misery and hard times people like she and clive had to endure as outcasts, things that were the way they were because people with power abused their privileges.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act I, Part 4

Fayvin's behavior was all too familiar to him, with the way he gestured with his gun and tried to force his way through others... he was a bully, pure and simple, and he was also a power-abusing tyrant.

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A Father's Lesson

A lesson to show what happens when those with power abuse their gifts. those of us who wield such power must be always on our guard, one misplaced word or... thoughtless act can leave shattered lives in its wake. a harsh, hard lesson to learn.

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Astray - Week Six

Consensual, educated and responsible play is not the same as selfish power abuse. we are _not_ going to let our charges, whom many of us care about deeply, come to harm." "i don't... necessarily disagree. i s'pose." gary sighed. "yeah, i know.

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