Chapter 14: Out of Love

And i can tell you right now that when kilyan makes his stupid mistakes, he does it out of love. he does it because he's a kind and caring wolf. he does it because . . ." keeno shrugged and gave a lopsided smile. "because he's kilyan.

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Checked Mate - WriteTober 2022 #2

Nicole cursed herself for not realizing the stupid mistake she had made.

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Shattered Remains: Prologue

Oddly enough, that's how all of this shit started. ...just another stupid mistake.

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The Flea and Tick Treatment

We made stupid mistakes. we made assumptions about one another. we didn't talk honestly with one another about our problems," she sighed. "knowing then what we know now, we could have easily worked them out."

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Zy Zy University Chapter 9

"you made a stupid mistake, mew could have killed me" i sigh, before i could say anything mewtwo screamed. "if you caught by giratina we couldn't save you! not even arceus would have an easy time!"


The Observer Stories Log 2

Laserbeard: "fearlessness leads to stupidity and stupid mistakes. keeping the fear is how people live longer. i thought you government types would know that all too well, yes?" nameless counsel #1: "apparently you think this is a joke!

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Forgotten - Intro: Naptime

Forgotten (editted to fix stupid mistakes) nap time sparks illuminated the dark interior of a rather strange derelict craft as an old hand at cutting worked his tools on the other side.

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Wedding Mouse, 6 of 7

It had felt like a stupid mistake, but it was kinda fun to be mixed up with his brothers once in awhile. "hey troy," jennifer said, smiling from beside the body modification service's van. "now how'd you do that?"

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Pokemon ballbusting blurbs: #6-8 (+ MLP bonus snippet)

Charizard (m)** it was an incredibly stupid mistake. if you're a fire-type, what should you avoid? the water. and yet the dragonair had teased him, seduced him, distracted him enough to get him to the edge of the pool - then dragged him under.

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Adventures In College: Chapter Four

But thank you for not giving me grief about my stupid mistake." craig smiled back warmly as he nodded, pulling me into a comforting and warm hug as i gladly embraced him in return. "no problem, trey."

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He'd still be alive if i hadn't made those stupid mistakes..."he said. "do i need to punch you again?" "no thanks. i think i got enough of that for one day. you pack a pretty good punch." ba'al's chest puffed up at the compliment.

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Paws of Fire: Unwritten Story - Chapter 13

Daniel got up, sighing that he made such a stupid mistake. now he had to concentrate on the fight ahead as he walked down the stairs, sazla already in her position.

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