Seeker Origins: Chapter Two
Year: 2080, May 14th. Time: 17:10pm Location: Club Nova, Room 27. I woke up slowly with my ears ringing and preventing any noise from reaching my ears as I slowly blinked and looked around my familiar surroundings; everything in my room was the...
The Lifeguard - Part 1; The late shift.
_ ~~~~ friday evenings were always quiet, but this particular evening the swimming pool resembled a ghost town.
Swim Team Blues
In retrospect, it was a mistake to build the marine biology lab right next to the swimming pool. i mean, sure, on paper it looked great.
Icy Chills [Remade]
It was becoming a habit if not an obsession of her morning activities, daily pool visits were just the icing on a big cake for their newly rented apartment. Picking up her cyan swimsuit had revealed the smell of chlorine from the unwashed swimsuit, it...
Part 4 - The Right and Wrong Times
\<beep\> \<beep\> \<bee...\> [I]morning already? it feels like I just went to sleep.[/I] opening my eyes, i looked up at the ceiling. it was still dark out. i looked at the clock and saw it was only 6:30 AM. [I]what the? one of us must...
Catching Kevin
_"Catching Kevin" a story commission by Base\_Progression for Johnyblanco. This is a continuation of "House Warming."_ \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* A pleasant dream was abruptly ceased...
A foray into the unknown
Looking around, eric's gaze danced over the individual lanes of the half size olympic swimming pool which comprised the deep end.
just written today hope you enjoy
A bunny and herm horse oh mai~ a late night swimming pool was not a new thing but it was growing in popularity. most pools would close at 5:30 pm but some would stay open if you had a permit which for some money could be easy to get.
Urine Village
_A strange, silly story about literally swimming in piss. Hope you enjoy, if you do please leave a comment or a rating below._ The small town of Iridina always had a strange history of odd rulers. It seemed that each lord that came along had some sort...
One place,Three Friends,One Orgy
The female otter looked up to the trio which consisted of a vixen, dragon, and fox and smiled warmly and picked up a pen and tapped a few things into the touch screen of the computer. "Hello and welcome to Joseph's bath and gym, how may I help you...
Change In Plans
Change In Plans (2 M Dolphins + Vixen) WARNING: This story contains sexual contact between two males (who also happen to be brothers), but no actual M/M sex. If either of these bother you, please bail out now and don't say I didn't warn you! ...
Claude and Beau 2
We fly out to California in Dad's jet, Eagle One. I get a two bedroom suite in a downtown hotel, and we rent a car. I contact the Realtor that Dad recommended, and she tells me she'll make a list, and we can go house hunting tomorrow. So we all decide...