apocalypse: chapter five

Just then adam and nicolai climbed through the trap door that led inside. "your shifts over go get some rest you'll need it tomorrow." we headed inside and laid down falling asleep even faster than before.

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King Dedede's Komfy Kirby Fart Kushion

Suddenly, a trap door opened beneath kirby's feet and the pink puffball fell in it. king dedede chuckled as he opened the door to his room.


The Scout's Run: Chapter 1

I watched him, confused as he brushed dirt off a wooden trap door and opened it. he gestured at the open trap door and i swallowed, shaking my head. i didn't want to die in a dirty cellar.

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Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 1

He placed the container on the ground between the two and pushed in a combination on the keypad before opening the trap door. "anyway, have fun. we'll be watching." the trap door slammed behind him.

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SHIFT 004: Those Who Fight Monsters

But fighting both her weight and the pull of gravity was too much as they plunged downward into the abyss beneath the trap door. "heh newbs." erakir laughed as she floated directly above the trap door.

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Sara's Story - Chapter 8

The rabbit searches the ground for a few moments, then he opens a concealed trap door and commands "climb down." i can barely see the ladder leading down into the darkness.

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Shadow of the Father, Chapter One

He clambered through the trap door and down the ladder. "um," sinch said, "i'm not sure..." he swung through and shut the trap door above him, plunging them into darkness. "we won't hit them. that'll prove that it's just an accident."

Here Piggy Piggy!

Soon where the panther had laid down began to lower under the stage, another trap door and the lights darkening clearing the stage for the interstitial between shows.

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Scratch: An Astro Boy beastiality fiction

Bender said as he went to the trap door and was soon gone. it took a little courage build up for astro to go up by himself.

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Operation Baby Blue: A Diaperfur Adventure Tale in Five Parts

A duffel bag flew up out of the trap door and landed next to it with the soft thud of a diaper bag.

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Savages of The Forest

Both us boys followed her, who in turn followed the chain to a trap door. she lifted up the trap door and found it led down into a passageway.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5a, What's In a Name? (Pt 2)

The bear managed to shift the timber, but it wasn't until nicholas came over to help that they managed to move it aside, revealing a slightly charred but otherwise intact trap door.

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