"The Real Deal" - Chapter 1

Hammering, drilling, plasma cutting, welding, careful-where-you-look, it might just be the last thing you see... sharp, bright actinic glows all around, holo warning signs everywhere.

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Choice(Balance)-Arc 1"Beginning" part 19(Final)

"don't worry about it.you're here now so stop actin all mopey.i hate seein mopey people."

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Karaoke Night - Chapter 4: Crazy Bitch

. "_ **dirty girl, getting' down, dance with guys from outta town;** _ _ **grab her ass, actin' tough, mess with her she'll fuck you up.** _ _ **no one really knows if she's drunk or if she's stoned,** _ _ **but she's coming back to my place tonight!"

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Awake in the Storm

The ten-year-old badger lay in bed with widened eyes, staring up at the stucco ceiling of his bedroom until the darkness was shattered by a brilliantly actinic flash of light.

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She mewed and tried to jerk her head away, failed, and saw through the actinic blur a glitter of harsh metal before her eye.

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Young love resides in the schools...

She isn't a furry, quit actin like she is and keep your mut tail out of trouble." "whoa dude. you just can't handle the fact that she is. i mean, look at her ears when you see her. not human dude."

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005 Stranded But Not Lost

The torch generates an infinitely thin needle of actinic light, so white as to be almost blue, which leaves a persistent after-image in her vision as it slices through several heavy frond-like leaves, completely severs a slender palm trunk and leaves a small

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The Coffeeshop : A Gain And A Loss

"yea heh she would probably smack me for actin like this." jeff said making a lopsided grin and wiping away the tears from his cheeks. "now i want you to go in the back and stay there till you aren't miserable anymore." tanner said playfully.

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Teen Titans - Raven's Swings

You've been actin' strange ever since we came back from anarchapulco." she blinked a couple times, her sultry mood suddenly interrupted, before she straightened her back and placed a hand on her hip, annoyed and frustrated. "pfft.

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Old Home, Part 4

"i found you actin' all crazy in the hotel a few hours ago, but since ya didn't look like no creepin' kerrrrrdaver..." she drew emphasis on the last bit, as if slightly sarcastic on the part of him looking cadaverous-- "i hauled your ass back to the doc here

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On Parole 11

Cause they knew i was gonna be the one actin' up. so what about you." veemon said, "i can't even remember why. all i know is that most of my life was good until my mother died." suddenly bearmon was frozen.

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The angel of shadows: Prologue.

But now we're rockin' on the dance floor, actin' naughty. your hands around my waist, just let the music play. we're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face."

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