Dragon's Roar Trio: Chapter 4

The shoutmon cleared his throat once more before humming into his microphone to test the amplification of his voice. "testing, testing." his voice boomed through the hotel room.

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First Version: Rociel Hentzel

Mutation: she is capable of telepathically handling metals, plastics, and silicates then transforming them into whatever contraption she desires in the middle of the air as well as creating her own advanced material which is utilized in constructing her power amplification

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39 (DSV Nautica) Listening

Its normal amplification properties dead with it. they were truly alone out here, without the comfort of their own race. it left them forced to listen to the silence.

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Defiance and Obedience (Commission)

"it's amazing what a little amplification does to bring out people's hidden desires. so long since i've seen a budding masochist." the term escaped her, as did most of what jackie whispered.

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Maser stands for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. basically, what it does is it causes my sword to vibrate microscopically until plasma collects around the cutting edges.

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My Little Mashup 23 - Convocation

Nightmare moon ended the amplification. the dragons slowly milled about and began to back off. the eldest gave me a long look, nodded deeply, and with a powerful flap of his wings, began to rise back out of the half-dissolved dome.

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Coons and Theft.

Again, he used technology to aid his cause of a professional thief, and used the sound amplification ring set into his ear canal.

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Syren University: Extra Enhanced

The desk was strewn with instruction manuals, pens, and guides on amplification spells. jaythen was cute. tall, slim, and angular, the snow leopard had the beginning of a nice runner's build.

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Chapter Seven

One could turn down amplification, but that defeated the purpose. the solution, then, was gain. gain was the sensitivity of a mic.

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From Top To Bottom - Part 3 of 3

A voice boomed through the room, half speaker amplification, half primordial malice. "brown! get the hell up and prime our defences! gordon!" the alligator looked up, slowly but with a wiry strength running under his scaled hide. "help joey.

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In Jun's Bits

"now, remember, the amplification spell reads intent. if you want to whisper to co-performers on stage you can, and the audience won't hear you.

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Slayers GD: Book 2-- Mage's Market Festival

"they have spell scrolls for spell amplification!" she continued to examine the table of the merchant, then moved on to the others inside the awning. _finally!

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