Family Love Chapter 7 Love and War
Okay, Chapter 7 is now up and running. Enjoy! ============================================================================================= Chapter 7: Love and War Once home, Fierra laid her children on the ground. She waited for Dusik,...
Punk Rockers
**Punk Rockers** Well, the night that changed things forever didn't really start at a fancy place. It was a dingy club in the north valley, you could smell beer and piss and joints from a mile away... It was a blast. There I was, a tiger of 17, along...
The Importance of Discipline (Chap 1)
"you two attempted to assault and rape me, and i believe you'll find the surveillance cameras will bear me out," shi went on. hir smile grew wider at the expression on their faces. "oh dear... you disabled those, didn't you?
Dragconius, Wings Of Darkness
Luna slithered into the courtyard of the palace where she had been requested. She didn't know who would summon her, a commoner to such a place of high honor, but she still left immediately upon receiving her summons and now she had arrived. It was only...
Feed The Squirrels
"Give mine sand-which!" the squirrel growled from the branch of a nearby tree. "Look, it's salmon!" the man replied. "It's meat! Squirrels don't eat meat!" "You're wastin' your time," said a voice behind him. "Those guys don't know how to listen."...
Chapter 1
To use the assault rifle example: they have extremely narrow design tolerances, leaving them vulnerable to failure even from very small defects or damage.
Backstory - Nalin
Nalin, named after the very thing their power worked with, flowers and plants. He is a young arctic fox with swirled vine like markings in green. Growing up an average person, he was teased now and then for being very feminine looking. He dressed in...
Warmth of Coffee (Short shots 1)
'i'm gonna sue your asses for assault!'
Kiyumi and ''the Someron Assault''
Just in case you find this presentation ugly: There is a more up to date and nicer PDF here: []( And a slightly nicer HTML here:...
Shattered: Chapter 1 - Bad Habits and New Beginnings
The sound echoed off the rain slicked walls and the vibrations assaulted doug's sensitive ears. q pulled his tool away from doug's lips and the other two held the wolf tighter.
Memoirs from the Hangar 1
**Memoirs from the Hangar 1: Matthew and Project House of Angels** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of...
Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: Predators and Prey
Brutus swore and shot out of bed as Chris's alarm went off. It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving weekend and the pair had agreed to sleep in and skip their classes, at least, that's what Brutus thought. The Dalmatian reached over and shut the alarm...