Next Level Ch. 6: Checkup

Disoriented by the unexpected move, auroch tried to stand up, but was held fast by solar, not ceasing its struggle even now. everything was over soon after that.

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The Wicker Man (Co-Written by Myself and Conor Hyena)

He could feel the jackal's glare through the empty sockets of that auroch. a glare of hunger, great hunger indeed. it sent a chill up kuveli's spine. "put him in the wicker man," he ordered, his odd accent muffled by the auroch skull over his face.

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The Daisy Chronicles 3: Dreams

I was orphaned at 8 years old, and sent to a boarding school connected to auroch specialties before graduating and heading to college.

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A Gift Story for HungotheNomster on FA

In the oasis at the waterfall's base was a tall and very masculine auroch bull. he had incredibly longhorns that were easily 31 inches in length and were incredibly thick. just like the rest of him.

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Scene One: Green

He slipped in the one fresh magazine he could locate amongst the aurochs, and reevaluated the battlefield. with any luck, he thought, they could turn the guns back on the enemy rearguard and disrupt their retreat.

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Zev ronso was a member of the besaid aurochs for a time, until the ending of last season, and gazna was determined to get him onto their team.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives

The oddest thing was, despite resembling an aurochs, the teeth of the giant were an even mix of herb-eating and flesh-rending. no aurochs was like that; the terrmorah were clearly alike to the grazing animal on surface details only.

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College, Chapter 0

In another building, the dorms not being coeducational at the time, dwell three femmes: an otter, a vixen and an aurochs who complete the main characters of this story. another deviation concerns dorm rooms on campus.

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A human and Ronso's fate

"figures that i'am the only human on this team and i couldn't sign with the besadi aurochs because of that guy who shown up there a few nights ago, named tidus was on their team.", matt thought with a sigh as he took off his shirt and got on the ronso uniform

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Practice #1 (908 Words)

Kuveli whined, tugging on his big brother's auroch-fur cloak. his big brother, sakara, smiled down at him. they shared a gaze of azure-blue eyes. then sakara pushed off the edge. for a moment all was well.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 15- Airship

"that's something you could know now," the aurochs woman said. "that'd be useful." the old male aurochs just sighed.

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At Dawn, My Talons Sharpen Anew: A Tale of Theryzaan

He envisioned his days as a young hatchling hunting the aurochs that grazed in the valleys between each row of the spine's jagged peaks.

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