Fifty Shades of Tan: Lessons From the Hot-Tub - Part 2
In seconds that seemed to last agonizingly like hours, the tigresses were upon me, starting from my tummy and thighs, working their raspy, yet soft tongues down my fur and against my crotch. I jerked suddenly as one of the tongues touched my button, a...
Welcome to Otterbont
Once upon a time, way, far back in 1630, the Dutch East India Company set about to make Hudson River Valley in New York or, as it was known then, New Netherlands, a feudal aristocracy. The combination of legal and military customs in medieval Europe...
Dating Naked: Changes of Scenery
_"Hello, ladies and gentlefurs, and welcome to "Dating Naked", where couples from all walks of life congregate on our luscious tropical shores to meet the mate of their dreams..." The sarong-clad sea otter grins for the camera in front of her. "or the...
A Magical Bath by Moonlight
Mekali Amayas Kaga walked contentedly along the deserted beach as dusk set in. The tide already lapped at his feet and its cool balminess caressed his toes. The sun, still low in the sky together with the moon on the rise, gave the entire cove a rosy,...
Tales From Skyrim: A Gift for Shiala
Wandering through this forest reminded me how different Skyrim is from the Black Marsh. Where are the great protective impenetrable Argonian swamps, the great inland waterways, and the Hist trees? How can we be 'people of the root' when we are so far...
A Little Slice of Hell: Much Ado About Knotting
For some moments, the vixen employed progressive and further-titillating strategies to David's arousal, stroking it up and down in her paw, squeezing the bulbous crown to draw out pre-cum, and reaching down to clench either of his hanging, swollen...
Fifty Shades of Tan: Lessons From the Hot-Tub - Part 1
By the time I was led inside the spacious recreation room, the white tigress was already relaxing in a very large hot-tub that could have easily fit another five or six tigresses comfortably. Steam rose up from the bubbly, roiling water, and I noticed...
The Island
The mare gasped as her head broke the surface and shook long light-brown hair free from her eyes, her heart still pounding after the extended dive. "Walt? I got him!" She coughed out a little of the salt water before she could swallow, and struck out...
Sex in the Beach
I miss the ocean. There was a time in my life when I could get up from my bed, go outside my front walk, and see the beautiful blue Pacific staring back at me, and above it, brightly-colored sails from passing boats etched into the horizon, passing...
A Little Slice of Hell: How to Train Your Succubus
Isabella grumbled while she filled out the complicated application, and shook the quill pen in her paw in disgust. "I still don't understand. You want me to-" The penguin, whom the vixen had learned was actually named Smythe and had once lived not...
Fifty Shades of Tan: Dinner with the Tigresses
I ended up burning the cookies in a black cast-iron pan, mostly in part due to the fact I had never used an oven before. I also learned right away I was not very good at cracking an egg, stirring cookie dough, and placing dough on a greased cookie pan...
A Little Slice of Hell: A Virgin's New Calling
"And you are?" She heard a timid, fragile-sounding voice tried its damn-est to be firm and official. "Oh. Um. Isabella Armana?" She couldn't see anything. The light was still blinding her, and she had the prickling sensation of at least a hundred...